Smarts PM: How does Smarts calculate Available Memory on Hosts that have Compaq Insight Manager (CIM) installed?
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Smarts PM: How does Smarts calculate Available Memory on Hosts that have Compaq Insight Manager (CIM) installed?


Article ID: 327679


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How does Smarts calculate Available Memory on Hosts that have the Compaq Insight Manager (CIM) installed?

The CIM reports memory size and free capacity in the following OIDs of the MIB:

cpqMemorySize = .
cpqMemoryFree = .

When Smarts finds the Compaq Insight Manager on a device, Smarts polls these OIDs and then calculates available memory as follows:

cpqMemoryFree * 1024