dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'ClientTrail::TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'
CI-E-EGENERIC-At Wdm_Topo_ObjectFactory.c:5642 argument 3 should be of type
set of ClientTrail: Number and types of arguments in call to operation
don't match its signature
MR-WRONG_OPERATION_ARGS-Number and types of arguments in call to operation
don't match its signature
dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'ClientTrail::TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'
CI-E-EGENERIC-At Wdm_Topo_ObjectFactory.c:5642 argument 3 should be of type set of ClientTrail: Number and types of arguments in call to operation
don't match its signature c MR-WRONG_OPERATION_ARGS-Number and types of arguments in call to operation
don't match its signature
API Expecting set
Optical_ObjectFactory::makeClientCircuit(const mr_string_t & emsName, const mr_string_t & circuitName, const MR_RefSet<MR_Object> & underlyingTrails, const mr_string_t & className)
Command issued does not have set and it will not accept set also:
dmctl -s N-WDM-T-TX invoke Optical_ObjectFactory::Optical-ObjectFactory makeClientCircuit '895' 'name' 'TRAIL-423/2-3-2->399/2-3-2' 'ClientCircuit'