Smarts: Where does the Smarts Java API write its log files?
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Smarts: Where does the Smarts Java API write its log files?


Article ID: 327660


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VMware Smart Assurance



Where does the Smarts Java API write its log files?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The Java API SDK is an interface to the same Smarts Foundation code the Smarts console uses, and the console does all its own logging. The console logs its information based on the parameter<filename>. This parameter specifies the name of the file in the <SM_WRITEABLE>\logs area for the console to write the logged information. The setting Java Message Log. -Dcom.smarts.server.logMessages=true causes the console to write information about asynchronous messages received from servers to a file serverMesg_ in the same directory. 

If you are using the Java client code to interact with a domain manager, by default the log is under the DM install directory in local/logs. Specifying -Dcom.smarts.debugConnection=true allows you to log requests from clients connecting to a domain server.