Steps to permanently change an access port to managed from unmanaged
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Steps to permanently change an access port to managed from unmanaged


Article ID: 327642


Updated On: 09-23-2024


VMware Smart Assurance



  • Access ports set to Managed are changed to Unmanaged after Smarts IP re-discovery
  • Juniper EX4200-48T switch with managed / EXPLICITLY_MANAGED ports are changing to unmanaged on re-discovery.

This article explains for steps using which we could permanently change an access port to managed from unmanaged in Smarts IP?


Smarts 10.1.X


By default, access ports in Smarts IP are unmanaged during discovery and re-discovery. If you set access ports to managed using the Smarts IP interface and re-discover the ports, the IsManaged attribute will revert to being false and the ManagedState will change from EXPLICITLY_MANAGED back to UNMANAGED.


You can manage the access ports so that the object will be explicitly managed and the Smarts IP post-processing code will not unmanage it again. This is achieved by putting the following code into your custom post processing file, calling the manage() function with over-write parameter set to True:



} do {
     foreach PortName (getInstances("Port")) {
     PortObj = object(PortName);
     print("Port state set to Manage ->".PortObj->ManagedState);

Additional Information

This workaround would be classified as a customization, and hence please evaluate and test this on UAT/Test environment before introducing this on to the Production environment.