Smarts SAM: How can I view and change System Default configuration using DMCTL commands?
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Smarts SAM: How can I view and change System Default configuration using DMCTL commands?


Article ID: 327636


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I view and change Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) System Default configuration using DMCTL commands from the command line?
How to increase escalation policy threads via command line

 How can I manually view and change the default settings configured for Smarts SAM such as "Fetch Local Notification Properties", "Number of Worker Threads", "Hierarachical Acknowledge"?

Where are Smarts SAM default configuration settings stored?

The Smarts SAM system default configuration settings are stored in ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration class and instance "ICS-System Defaults". The following sections explain how to view, change, and apply changes for these settings in a Smarts SAM environment.

Viewing Smarts SAM system default configuration settings
To view the Smarts SAM system default configuration settings, run the following dmctl command:

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s INCHARGE-SA get ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration::"ICS-System Defaults"

The following shows the ICS-System Defaults contents returned by this command: 

Properties of ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration::ICS-System Defaults:
BroadcastEventStateOnRestart = TRUE
CompanionUIHostname =
CompanionUIPath = /presto/files/system/mashlets/LaunchCUI/index.html
CompanionUIProtocol = https
CreationClassName = ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration
Description = Configuration of System Defaults
DisplayName = System Defaults
IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge = TRUE
LastChangedAt = 1340370081
Name = ICS-System Defaults
RMITimeOut = 60
SMTPServer = localhost
ServiceName =
ackInterval = 300
archiveInterval = 14400
auditLimit = 100
enable = TRUE
localNotifProps = FALSE
numOfWorkerThreads = 2

localNotifProps = "Fetch Local Notification Properties"
numOfWorkerThreads = "Number of Worker Threads"
IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge = "Hierarachical Acknowledge"

Changing Smarts SAM system default configuration settings
The following shows how to change the Smarts SAM system default configuration settings for the properties highlighted above:

  • Fetch Local Notification Properties: To change the default setting and enable Fetch Local Notification Properties from the command line, you must run both of the following dmctl commands:

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <SAM Domain> put ICS_NLManager::ICS-NLManager::localNotificationProperties TRUE

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <SAM Domain> put ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration::"ICS-System Defaults"::localNotifProps TRUE

  • Hierarchical Acknowledge: The following shows the dmctl command to change the default IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge setting to FALSE:

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <SAM Domain> put ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration::"ICS-System Defaults"::IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge FALSE

  • Number of Worker Threads: The following shows the dmctl command to change the default numOfWorkerThreads setting to 10:

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <SAM Domain> put ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration::"ICS-System Defaults"::numOfWorkerThreads 10

Applying changes made to the Smarts SAM system default configuration settings using dmctl
To apply any changes made to the Smarts SAM system default configuration settings, you must run a reconfigure operation using the following dmctl command:

<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <SAM Domain> invoke DomainConfigHandler::Domain-ConfigHandler reconfigure