Smarts NPM: How can I filter BGP discovery of devices? Can I use CLI to select devices to be discovered or disable CLI discovery?
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Smarts NPM: How can I filter BGP discovery of devices? Can I use CLI to select devices to be discovered or disable CLI discovery?


Article ID: 327633


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I filter BGP discovery of devices in Smarts NPM?
Can I use CLI to select devices to be discovered in Smarts NPM BGP discovery?

Can I disable CLI discovery for Smarts NPM BGP discovery?

You cannot selectively use CLI or disable the CLI discovery component for BGP discovery of devices. However, there are some filtering options available in Smarts NPM for BGP discovery.

IMPORTANT! To implement these filtering options, some scripting / programming knowledge is required.

Filtering of BGP discovery of devices in Smarts NPM can be done as follows:

  1. Modify the BGP.import file to insert a Selective Driver on the very top. Two or more selections must be entered, one for the devices you want to discover one for the devices you don   t want to discover. To do this, you must know the OID you do not want to discover.
  2. Modify the dxa-am.conf configuration file and filter with the peek command.
  3. Modify the first bgp discovery script, filter devices and stop the script there for filtered devices.
  4. Filter the devices in AM, remove it from Topology Collections class through a post custom script.