Pulling images from Harbor using tags fails with error:
crictl pull Error response from daemon: unknown: artifact repository1/image-test:1.0.0 not found
The image pull works when using the sha256:
crictl pull
Similar messages can be found on the harbor-app logs:
level=error msg="Not continuing with pull after error: unknown: artifact repository1/image-test:1.0.0 not found"
During the upgrade, the unique index on the repository table got corrupted and this created duplicate entries.
Connect to the Harbor Database:
crictl exec -it harbor-db bash
psql -U postgres -d registry
1. Find the duplicated repository name:
select * from (select name, count(*) cnt from repository group by name) a where a.cnt > 1;
2. Find the ID of the duplicated repository and get the new_id and old_id:
select repository_id, name, creation_time from repository where name like ‘%prometheus/test-job%’ ;
3. Update the tag and artifact to point to the new repository id:
update artifact set repository_id = <new_id> where repository_id = <old_id>;
update tag set repository_id = <new_id> where repository_id = <old_id>;
delete from repository where repository_id = <old_id>;
After all the duplicated repositories have been removed, no row should be returned when running the following query:
select * from (select name, count(*) cnt from repository group by name) a where a.cnt > 1
4. Reindex the table
REINDEX TABLE repository;
5. Verify if the image can be pulled.