Security Error: Database error [CMM001300]
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Security Error: Database error [CMM001300]


Article ID: 32747


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


In DSM Explorer when updating the permissions of a Security Profile, following error appears after a timeout of 10 minutes :


Security Error: Database error [CMM001300]


This error occurs for class "Asset Group".

Others classes could be updated without problem.



Release: 12.x, 14.x

Component: Client Automation 


When permissions on class "Asset Group" is updated, a lot of SQL requests are executed in order to update all groups in the database.

This could take several minutes if there are a lot of groups in the database.

Sometimes the execution time of the SQL requests could exceed 10 minutes. In this case, a timeout occurs and the SQL requests are roll-backed.


On ITCM Domain Manager execute following command in order to increase the timeout value (default value is 10).

Example for a timeout of 20 minutes :


ccnfcmda -cmd SetParameterValue -ps itrm/database -pn CommandTimeout -v 20


And try again to update the Permission of "Asset Group" class.

Remark :

Before release ITCM 12.9, a fix must be applied on the ITCM Domain in order to recognize the parameter itrm/database/CommandTimeout.


 ITCM 12.5 SP1


 ITCM 12.5 SP1 C1


 ITCM 12.8


 ITCM 12.8 FP1


 ITCM 12.9

 The fix is included in this version


Contact CA Broadcom Technical Support to get the fix.


Once the fix applied on ITCM DOMAIN, execute the ccnfcmda command in order to set a value for CommandTimeout.

If it does not work, permission could be set directly in mdb database using SQL Query like this :

use mdb

UPDATE ca_class_ace

SET ace = 255, access = 1

WHERE security_profile_uuid = (select security_profile_uuid from ca_security_profile where name='security_profile_name')

AND (class_def_uuid = (select class_def_uuid from ca_security_class_def where class_id=7000))

Replace security_profile_name by the name of Security Profile to update