Upon Upgrading TKG or TKGS Guest cluster to K8s version 1.22.x you would notice some of the packages like Contour, Cert-manager, and Harbor goes into Reconciliation Failed state.
You would see the below error when you run kubectl get app or tanzu packages installed list commands
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package installed list
- Retrieving installed packages... I0612 11:49:42.896265 269584 request.go:665] Waited for 1.025611064s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
harbor harbor.tanzu.vmware.com 2.2.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 Reconcile failed: Error (see .status.usefulErrorMessage for details)
usefulErrorMessage: |-
I0612 11:40:19.136342 26373 request.go:665] Waited for 1.037915534s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
kapp: Error: Expected to find kind 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/RoleBinding', but did not:
- Kubernetes API server did not have matching apiVersion + kind
- No matching CRD was found in given configuration
App CR status would have the below-related error in .status.usefulErrorMessage
usefulErrorMessage: |-
I0612 11:40:19.136342 26373 request.go:665] Waited for 1.037915534s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:
kapp: Error: Expected to find kind 'rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/RoleBinding', but did not:
- Kubernetes API server did not have matching apiVersion + kind
- No matching CRD was found in given configuration
From K8s 1.22 beta has been removed from apiversion for Rolebinding https://kubernetes.io/blog/2021/07/14/upcoming-changes-in-kubernetes-1-22/ . In order to fix the issue, we need to upgrade the corresponding package.
Lets take an example of Harbor package and the procedure to upgrade the same.
Note: Upgrading Harbor packages rotates the CA certificate if the certificate wss self signed and generated by cert-manager so if you are using this Harbor for Image push/pull for other clusters you would have to update this certificate to those workload clusters.
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package repository get tanzu-standard -n tanzu-package-repo-global
- Retrieving repository tanzu-standard...
NAME: tanzu-standard
VERSION: 1090396
REPOSITORY: projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo
TAG: v1.4.0
STATUS: Reconcile succeeded
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package repository update tanzu-standard --url projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo -n tanzu-package-repo-global
Updating package repository 'tanzu-standard'
- Getting package repository 'tanzu-standard'
Getting package repository 'tanzu-standard'
Validating provided settings for the package repository
Updating package repository resource
Waiting for 'PackageRepository' reconciliation for 'tanzu-standard'
'PackageRepository' resource install status: Reconciling
'PackageRepository' resource install status: ReconcileSucceeded
Updated package repository 'tanzu-standard' in namespace 'tanzu-package-repo-global'
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package repository list -A
- Retrieving repositories...
tanzu-standard projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo (>0.0.0) Reconcile succeeded tanzu-package-repo-global
tanzu-core projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/core/repo v1.22.9_vmware.1-tkg.1 Reconcile succeeded tkg-system
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package available list harbor.tanzu.vmware.com
- Retrieving package versions for harbor.tanzu.vmware.com...
harbor.tanzu.vmware.com 2.2.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 2021-07-07 18:00:00 +0000 UTC
harbor.tanzu.vmware.com 2.2.3+vmware.1-tkg.2 2021-07-07 18:00:00 +0000 UTC
harbor.tanzu.vmware.com 2.3.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 2021-09-28 06:05:00 +0000 UTC
As you can see the latest version of the Harbor package is 2.3.3 we can update to that version
ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ tanzu package installed update harbor -v 2.3.3+vmware.1-tkg.1 -f harbor-data-values.yaml -n default
Updating installed package 'harbor'
- Getting package install for 'harbor'
Getting package install for 'harbor'
Getting package metadata for 'harbor.tanzu.vmware.com'
Updating secret 'harbor-default-values'
Updating package install for 'harbor'
Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'harbor'
After the package is upgraded you would see Reconciliation success for the apps
kubectl get apps
harbor Reconcile succeeded 2m5s 2d9h