This is a known issue affecting vRealize Automation 8.4 and 8.5.
When trying to connect to the remote console of a virtual machine the following error is seen
Http failure response for https://vRAFQDN/provisioning/mgmt/compute-remote-console/<vmrc_id>: 500 OK
provisioning-service-app logs contain entries similar to
ERROR provisioning [host='provisioning-service-app-<provisioning-service_id>' thread='reactor-http-epoll-9' user='provisioning-xxxxxxxxxxxx(HOSTNAME)' org='<org_id>' trace='<trace_id>' parent='<parent_id>' span='<id>'] c.v.admiral.common.CustomProperties.validateEncryptionContext:394 - Encryption failed for resource /provisioning/requests/broker/<provisioning-service_id> - invalid argument in encryption context, Cause: orgId is null
The orgId property is not populated for some compute descriptions.
This issue is resolved in VMware vRealize Automation 8.6 and later.