Onboarding VMs to AWS generates duplicate names under the Virtual Machine tab on the same end point
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Onboarding VMs to AWS generates duplicate names under the Virtual Machine tab on the same end point


Article ID: 327430


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This issue applies to vRealize Automation 8.7.

  • VMs found under Cloud Assembly > Resources > Virtual Machines are duplicated after Onboarding.
  • REST calls to api.mgmt.cloud.vmware.com/iaas/api/machines?$filter=name=VMName return inconsistent resources > id per resource.
    • REST calls to api.mgmt.cloud.vmware.com/iaas/api/machines/resourceID returns a 404 status code.


VMware vRealize Automation 8.7.x


This issue is fixed in vRealize Automation 8.8 and vRealize Automation Cloud.



  • Please take simultaneous non-memory snapshots of each virtual appliance(s) in the cluster.
  • You have access to root user and password
  • You have SSH or console access to each virtual appliance.
  • Download the Docker image titled relocation-service.tar from the Attachment(s) section of this article.




Perform Steps # 1 - 5 on each appliance

Note: Replace the existing relocation-service with the new image for the fix.
  1. Upload the Docker image relocation-service.tar to each virtual appliance within the vRealize Automaton cluster.
    scp /path/to/relocation-service.tar root@<FQDN>:/
  2. SSH / PuTTy into the vRealize Automation appliance
    ssh root@<FQDN>
  3. Load the Relocation service image into the local Docker repository
    docker load -i relocation-service.tar
  4. Backup the original image
    1. Look for the image that is currently tagged with relocation-service_private:latest and note its unique identifier (hash)
      docker images | grep -i relocation-service
    2. Backup the original image
      docker tag original-image-id relocation-webapp_backup:latest
  5. Tag the Relocation service image
    docker tag a4eff812ec38 relocation-service_private:latest
  6. Run the following once on any node
    1. Apply the patch by restarting the relocation service
      kubectl -n prelude scale deployment relocation-service-app --replicas=0
    2. For clustered environments use the parameter --replicas=3 and --replicas=1 for simple environments

      kubectl -n prelude scale deployment relocation-service-app --replicas=3

Rollback Procedure to restore the original service image

Perform Steps # 1 - 2 on each appliance

  1. Find the original relocation-service image
    docker images | grep -i relocation-webapp_backup:latest
  2. Re-tag the old image
    docker tag original-image-id relocation-service_private:latest
  3. Run the following once on any node
    kubectl -n prelude scale deployment relocation-service-app --replicas=0
    1. For clustered environments use the parameter --replicas=3 and --replicas=1 for simple environments
      kubectl -n prelude scale deployment relocation-service-app --replicas=3

Additional Information

The procedure located in the Workaround section of this article requires downtime of the system due to service restarts.


relocation-service get_app