vCloud Usage Meter 4.6 fails to collect vSAN usage data for a vCenter Server before version 7.0 if there is a vSAN cluster using the Stretched Cluster feature
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vCloud Usage Meter 4.6 fails to collect vSAN usage data for a vCenter Server before version 7.0 if there is a vSAN cluster using the Stretched Cluster feature


Article ID: 327427


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


When Usage Meter starts metering vSAN associated with a vCenter Server with a version before 7.0, and there is a vSAN cluster with an enabled Stretched Cluster feature, then Usage Meter returns a partial collection error in the Notifications tab in the Usage Meter web application.  

The following error is also observed in the /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/var/logs/vccol_error.log/vccol_main.log file on the Usage Meter appliance.

<Date> ERROR --- [vCenter collector thread] : VSAN stage raised exception Client received SOAP Fault from server: Unable to resolve WSDL method name QuerySharedWitnessCompatibility for namespace name urn:vsan  

As a result, no vSAN usage data is collected for the given vCenter Server, and the vSAN units in the usage reports are incorrect.

The reason this error occurs is that the QuerySharedWitnessCompatibility API endpoint does not exist in vCenter Server before version 7.0. This request is used to detect if a vSAN cluster uses a Stretch Cluster or Shared Witness feature. 


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 4.x


To be able to collect vSAN usage data, run the following vSAN collection script from Customer Connect at least once a month and raise a support request to our Global Services Support Team. The script needs to be run each month until you upgrade to a newer Usage Meter version. 

If you are using a read-only user with which Usage Meter to connect to the vCenter Server with deployed vSAN, you will need to add the Profile-Driven Storage and CNS Searchable roles to that user. These roles are needed by Usage Meter to query vSAN usage data. Information on how to add them, you can find here.

To collect usage data from your vSAN clusters, do the following: 


  • Make sure that your Usage Meter connects to the vCenter Server
  • If your Usage Meter connects to the vCenter Server with a read-only user, you will need to add the Profile-Driven Storage and CNS Searchable roles to this user.


  1. In vSphere, launch the Usage Meter console and log in as root.
  1. Enable ssh connection to the appliance. 
systemctl enable sshd
  1. Start the sshd service.
systemctl start sshd
  1. From the local machine where the script is downloaded, copy remotely the script to a directory on the Usage Meter appliance,e.g., /home/usagemeter/.

scp <source-file-path> usagemeter@<ip-address>:<destination-directory> 
  1. Enter the usagemeter password.
  2. Connect remotely to the Usage Meter appliance as usagemeter.
ssh usagemeter@<um-ip-address>
  1. Enter the usagemeter password.
  1. Go to the directory where the script was copied to, e.g. /home/usagemeter/. 

cd /home/usagemeter 
  1. Run the script from the directory where the script is located:

  1. When prompted, enter the following details of the vCenter Server on which vSAN is deployed: 

  • The vCenter Server IP address 

  • The vCenter Server ID is taken from the Product ID column in the Usage Meter web application, e.g., ‘21’. 

  • Username and password of the user with which Usage Meter will connect to the vCenter Server. 

  1. After the script is executed, the collected vSAN usage data will be written in the following file Collection_vsan_meter.json stored in the same location as the vSAN collection script. 
  2. Exit the remote connection to the Usage Meter appliance.
  1. Copy the vSAN collection file from the Usage Meter appliance to a directory on the local machine.
scp usagemeter@<um-ip-address>:/<source-file-path> <destinaion-local-directory>
  1. Enter the usagemeter password.
  2. Attach the file to a support request to our Global Services Support Team. How to file a support request, you can find it here. Our support team will generate a vSAN usage report for you.
  3. In vSphere, launch the Usage Meter console and log in as root.
  4. Stop the sshd service.
systemctl stop sshd
  1. After the reporting month completes and receiving the generated vSAN usage reports from our Global Services Support team, enter the vSAN usage data in your Monthly Billing Order (MBO) in the Commerce Portal. Learn how to edit your MBO here

Additional Information

Information on all known vSAN issues can be found in the vCloud Usage Meter 4.6 Release Notes