Publishing policies on Gateway Firewall fails with error "Internal error(1401) occurred on transport node<>" on Edge TN.
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Publishing policies on Gateway Firewall fails with error "Internal error(1401) occurred on transport node<>" on Edge TN.


Article ID: 327342


Updated On:


VMware NSX


- You're unable to publish Firewall Rules on your T0s and T1s Gateway 
- The error message is the following : "Internal error(1401) occurred on transport node<>"
- Log entries in the Edge logs : 

2XXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX datapathd 9406 firewalldp tname="dp-ipc31" [ERROR] No Service Cores Configured.. Cannot configure L7 Rule
2XXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX aa-edgegw-1 datapath-systemd-helper 9265 - -
2XXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX datapathd 9406 firewall tname="dp-ipc31" [ERROR] Failed to realize fw config for port: 4cXXXXX6-dXXa-4XXd-8XX6-eaXXXXXXX8 errorCode="EDG0400335"


VMware NSX-T Data Center


The issue is related to Service Core not being configured on the Edge. 
This prevents L7 Rules, Load-Balancing and other services that require Service_Core from functioning properly.


This is known issue affecting NSX-T

The workaround is to enable service cores and restart data plane.

Enable service cores :

set debug
set dataplane service-core enabled

Restart data plane

restart service dataplane

Additional Information

- Use this command on the concerned Edge to check if Service Core is enabled :

aa-edgegw-1> get dataplane | find [Cc]orelist
Mon Nov 29 2021 CET 07:28:09.212
Corelist : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Fwpurge_corelist : 24
Service_corelist :

"Service_Corelist is empty in this example. "

Unable to publish any new edge FW rule configuration