ESXi ホストで仮想マシンをパワーオフできない
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ESXi ホストで仮想マシンをパワーオフできない


Article ID: 327281


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VMware vSphere ESXi


This article explains how to stop a virtual machine in an ESXi environment.

Note: When attempting to troubleshoot the cause of an unresponsive virtual machine, it is usually a good idea to collect performance metrics and then suspend or crash the virtual machine to gather additional troubleshooting information.

For more information, see:


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x


Solutions when unable to power off virtual machines on ESXi host:

Caution: Follow the sections and steps in this article in order. Do not skip a section or step as each step may impact the virtual machine.

  1. Powering off a virtual machine using the vSphere Client/vSphere Web Client
  2. Power off the virtual machine using the esxcli command
  3. Killing a Virtual Machine Using esxtop
  4. Powering off a virtual machine using the ESXi command line utility vim-cmd

Powering off a virtual machine using the vSphere Client/vSphere Web Client

Attempt to power off the virtual machine gracefully using the client.

  1. Connect the vSphere Client or VMware vCenter Server.
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Power Off . If the power operation fails with "Another task is already in progress", wait until the task is complete or see Powering off a virtual machine fails with the error: Cannot power Off: Another task is already in progress (311620) or vCenter operation times out with the error: Operation failed since another task is in progress (1004790).
  3. If the virtual machine is still running, perform the same operation directly from the ESXi host.
  4. Connect the vSphere Client or VMware Host Client directly to the ESXi host on which the virtual machine is running.
  5. Right-click the virtual machine and select Power Off.
Note: Starting with vSphere 6.5, Virtual Machine Encryption can be  enabled to protect the virtual machine and its files.
If encryption is enabled on a virtual machine, a set of encryption privileges is required, otherwise the virtual machine cannot be powered off.
If the attempts to power off the virtual machine using the client fails, use one of the command line options:

Power off virtual machine using esxcli command
esxcli can be used locally or remotely to power off virtual machines running on ESXi 5.x and later.
  1. Run the following command to get a list of running virtual machines, identified by their World ID, UUID, display name, and path to their configuration file:

    esxcli vm process list

  2. Power off the virtual machine from the list by running the following command

    esxcli vm process kill --type= [soft,hard,force] --world-id= WorldNumber

    Note: There are three power off methods: Soft is the safest power off method; Hard performs an immediate shutdown; Force should be used as a last resort.
  3. Repeat step 2 to ensure that the virtual machine is not running.

Kill a Virtual Machine using esxtop 

  1. Enter ESXi console and log in as root. For more information, see Using ESXi Shell in ESXi
  2. Run the utility by executing the following command :
  3. Press C to switch to the CPU resource utilization screen.
  4. Press Shift+V to limit the view to the virtual machine, which makes it easier to find the Leader World ID in step 7.
  5. Press F to display the list of fields.
  6. Press c to add a column for Leader World ID.
  7. LWIDIdentify the target virtual machine by its name and leader world ID ( ).
  8. Press k.
  9. World to kill At the prompt, enter the Leader World ID from step 7 and press Enter.
  10. Wait 30 seconds and verify that the process is no longer listed.

Powering off a virtual machine using the ESXi command line utility vim-cmd

  1. Enter ESXi console and log in as root. For more information, see Using ESXi Shell in ESXi
  2. Run the following command .vmxto get a list of all registered virtual machines, identified by their VMID, display name, and path to their configuration file:

    vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
  3. Run the following command to get the current state of the virtual machine:

    vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate VMID

  4. Shutdown the virtual machine using the VMID obtained in step 2 and run the following command: 

    vim-cmd vmsvc/power.shutdown VMID

    Note: If the virtual machine fails to shut down, run the following command:

    vim-cmd vmsvc/ VMID

Note: If the above steps do not resolve the issue and the ESXi host is responsive, it may be necessary to reboot and power off the virtual machines. To avoid downtime migrate all virtual machines using vMotion to another ESXi.

Additional Information

Send a signal to ESXi to power off the virtual machine

A virtual machine can be stopped from the command line by sending a signal to the process.

WARNING: This procedure can be dangerous for the ESXi host. Not identifying the correct process ID (PID) and killing the wrong process can lead to unexpected results. If the issue persists after performing these steps, file a support request with VMware Technical Support and note this Knowledge Base article ID (1014165) in the problem description. For more information, see Creating and managing Broadcom support cases

Use the following command to send a signal to a running virtual machine process to stop it.
  1. Enter Tech Support Mode on the ESXi console and log in as root. 
  2. Run the following command to determine if any virtual machine processes are running on the ESXi host:

    ps | grep vmx

    The output will look similar to the following: Several rows will be returned, one for each process. Identify the parent process of the target virtual machine. The first column contains the PID and the second column contains the parent PID. Make sure to only end the parent process. The parent process ID (PID) of each process is listed in the second column and is shown in bold in this example. Make a note of this number for the next step. Note: Make sure to identify the rows specific to only the virtual machine attempting to remediate. Continuing this process on virtual machines other than the one in question will cause downtime for the other virtual machines.

    7662 7662 vmx /bin/vmx
    7667 7662 vmx /bin/vmx
    7668 7662 mks:VirtualMachineName /bin/vmx
    7669 7662 vcpu-0:VirtualMachineName /bin/vmx


  3. If the process is listed, end it by running the following command:

    kill ProcessID
  4. Wait 30 seconds and repeat step 2 to check the process again.
  5. If the process is not terminated, run the following command:
    kill -9 ProcessID

  6. Wait 30 seconds and check the process again.

If powering off the virtual machine using any of these methods fails, there is typically an issue with the underlying infrastructure, such as the ESXi host or backing hardware.

If an issue with the ESXi host is preventing the virtual machines from shutting down, vMotion all unaffected virtual machines off the host and kill the host with a purple diagnostic screen. For more information, see Using hardware NMI facilities to troubleshoot unresponsive hosts (1014767)

. For more information, see: