VIC template deployment results in "error 500 for POST"
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VIC template deployment results in "error 500 for POST"


Article ID: 327266


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VMware vSphere ESXi


Containers deploy, power on then power off and delete themselves. The template will deploy if deployed to single host.

Error in vCenter:
LACP error: Current teaming policy on VDS DvsPort is incompatible, supported is IP hash only. 

Errors in the /var/log/vodb.log of host:
 [netCorrelator] 7762369149185us: [] LACP error: Current teaming policy for VDS DvsPort is incompatible. The only supported teaming policy is IP hash.
[netCorrelator] 7762453491602us: [] Current teaming policy for VDS: DvsPort is incompatible, supported is IP hash only

In the VIC appliance logs /storage/log/admiral/xenonHost.0.log. This same error will show in the Admiral portal.
[8282/request/composition-tasks/<Container_ID>][handleFailedStagePatch][Task failed with: Maximum number of retries exceeded. Failure: Service https://<VCH-IP>:2376/v1.24/containers/<Container_ID>/start  returned error 500 for POST. id 59399679 message Server error from portlayer: unable to wait for process launch status: container VM has unexpectedly powered off; Reason: {"message":"Server error from portlayer: unable to wait for process launch status: container VM has unexpectedly powered off"}

VCH container logs. /var/log/vic/docker-personality.log
 ERROR Operation failed with errors.apiError{error:(*errors.errorString)(0xc4205c60e0), statusCode:500}
ERROR Handler for POST /v1.24/containers/<container_ID>/start returned error: Server error from portlayer: unable to wait for process launch status: container VM has unexpectedly powered off

VCH container logs. /var/log/vic/port-layer.log
ERROR op=294.5588: Update: unable to update container <Container_ID>: ServerFaultCode: The object 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-#' has already been deleted or has not been completely created


VMware vSphere Integrated Containers 1.x


  • Hosts are unable to communicate over Bridge Network.



  • Verify requirements for bridge network meet the following document:VIC 1.3 VIC 1.4


  • Verify settings on physical switch that it allows VLAN ID for Bridge Network traffic.


Objective is to have all containers on the same host. This will keep containers from using the bridge network via the physical network.​
  • Put all hosts but one in maintenance mode then deploy template. This will verify the cause by containers only communicating on a single host using the DVS.