[VMC on AWS] HCX アプライアンスのステータスを CLI で確認する方法
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[VMC on AWS] HCX アプライアンスのステータスを CLI で確認する方法


Article ID: 327146


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VMware HCX VMware Cloud on AWS


免責事項:これは英文の記事「[VMC on AWS] How to check HCX appliances status in CLI. 」の日本語訳です。記事はベストエフォートで翻訳を進めているため、ローカライズ化コンテンツは最新情報ではない可能性があります。最新情報は英語版の記事で参照してください。

HCX 環境に問題がある場合、CLI でステータスの詳細を確認することが可能です。
この記事では、HCX 健全性チェックを実行する方法について説明します。

これはバージョン R133 以降の VMware HCX にて使用可能です。



手順1. Enabling SSH on the VMware HCX Manager

手順2. Logging In to the VMware HCX Manager CLI

手順3. Central CLI を使用して HCX アプライアンスのステータスを確認。

3-1. VMware HCX Manager 上で「ccli」と入力し、Central CLI を有効にしてください。

3-2.「list」と入力し、VMware HCX ノード(アプライアンス)の一覧を表示します。 
この時点では、また HCX ノードが選択されていない状態となっております。

3-3.「go #」と入力し、HCX ノードを選択してください。なお、# にはノード ID を入力してください。 
本記事ではノード ID の例として、「0」は HCX-IX、「1」は HCX-NET-EXT とします。
最初に「go 0」と入力します。

3-4.「list」と入力し、VMware HCX ノードの一覧を表示します。
現在 HCX-IX が選択されていることが確認できます。

3-5.「hc -d」と入力し、以下の通りに VMware HCX-IX ノードのステータスを表示します。

HCX-IX の例:

[root@hcx_ent_manager:SM1-IX-I1] hc -d
              Probe HealthChecking
(vcenter) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)

(lookupservice) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)

(SM1-IX-I1-53016ba0-####-####-####-d38b30a9b9af) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)
  |-- gateway status(success)
        |-- Appliance System Status: good
        |-- Peer Site Connectivity: up
                |-- WANOPT Status: up
                |-- Tunnel t_0 Status: up       , rx           260266, tx           326547
                |-- Tunnel t_2 Status: up       , rx           456333, tx           321169
                |-- Tunnel t_1 Status: up       , rx           260480, tx           330410
                |-- Tunnel te_0 Status: up      , rx          1105305, tx          1106564

(SM1-NE-I1-81bae26e-####-####-####-9630e0910557) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)
  |-- gateway status(success)
        |-- Appliance System Status: good
        |-- Peer Site Connectivity: up
                |-- Tunnel t_1 Status: up       , rx           261355, tx           260254
                |-- Tunnel t_2 Status: up       , rx           260805, tx           261243
                |-- Tunnel t_0 Status: up       , rx           260760, tx           261336
                |-- Tunnel t_3 Status: up       , rx           260734, tx           260780
                |-- Tunnel t_4 Status: up       , rx           260758, tx           260806
                |-- Tunnel te_0 Status: up      , rx          1432860, tx          1564406

            Node Units HealthChecking
[+] systemResource:
        [-] cpu
                [*] cpu.idle             ............ good
                [*] cpu.loadAvg          ............ good
                   > CPU load average high (1min: 0.090000, 5min: 0.050000, 15min: 0.010000), threshold: 6.400000
        [-] memory
                [*] memory.free          ............ good
                   > Free memory (free: 2555580416 bytes, total: 3144695808 bytes)
        [-] disk
                [*] disk.root.free       ............ good
                   > Free root partition (free: 335876096 bytes, 27% of total)
                [*] disk.log.free        ............ good
                   > Free log partition (free: 510021632 bytes, 92% of total)
                [*] disk.coredump.free   ............ good
                   > Free coredump partition (free: 395269120 bytes, 94% of total)

[+] systemService:
        [-] service.status
                [*] cgw                  ............ good
                   > Service cgw is running properly.
                [*] hbrsrv               ............ good
                   > Service hbrsrv is running properly.
                [*] lwdproxy             ............ good
                   > Service lwdproxy is running properly.
                [*] ntpd                 ............ good
                   > Service ntpd is running properly.
                [*] fcron                ............ good
                   > Service fcron is running properly.
                [*] vmtoolsd             ............ good
                   > Service vmtoolsd is running properly.
                [*] watchdog             ............ good
                   > Service watchdog is running properly.
                [*] hamon                ............ good
                   > Service hamon is running properly.
                [*] ipsec                ............ good
                   > Service ipsec is running properly.

[+] encryptService:
        [-] encrypt.daemons
                [*] ipsec                ............ good
                   > Service ipsec is running properly.
        [-] encrypt.tunnels
                [*] encrypt.configstate  ............ good
                [*] encrypt.tunnelstate  ............ good
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_0 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_0 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_1 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_1 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_2 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_2 connectivity is UP.

[+] fouService:
        [-] fou.tunnels
                [*] fou.tunnelstate.ipip_te_0 ............ good
                [*] fou.flow.{ --> 44.##.##.##:4500, state:  } { 44.##.##.##:4500 -->, state: [ASSURED] } ............ good
                [*] fou.configstate      ............ good
                [*] fou.tunnelstate      ............ good

3-6. 次は「go 1」と入力します。

3-7.「list」と入力し、VMware HCX ノードの一覧を表示します。
現在 HCX-NET-EXT が選択されていることが確認できます。

3-8.「hc -d」と入力し、以下の通りに VMware HCX-NET-EXT ノードのステータスを表示します。
HCX-NET-EXT のトンネルおよびサービスリソースなどのステータスが確認できます。


[root@hcx_ent_manager:SM1-NE-I1] hc -d
              Probe HealthChecking
(vcenter) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)

(lookupservice) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)

(SM1-IX-I1-53016ba0-####-####-####-d38b30a9b9af) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)
  |-- gateway status(success)
        |-- Appliance System Status: good
        |-- Peer Site Connectivity: up
                |-- WANOPT Status: up
                |-- Tunnel t_0 Status: up       , rx           260128, tx           326375
                |-- Tunnel t_1 Status: up       , rx           260342, tx           330231
                |-- Tunnel te_0 Status: up      , rx          1104686, tx          1105945
                |-- Tunnel t_2 Status: up       , rx           456089, tx           321000

(SM1-NE-I1-81bae26e-####-####-####-9630e0910557) :
  |-- icmp(success)
  |-- ssl connection(success)
  |-- ssl handshake(success)
  |-- gateway status(success)
        |-- Appliance System Status: good
        |-- Peer Site Connectivity: up
                |-- Tunnel t_0 Status: up       , rx           260617, tx           261192
                |-- Tunnel t_2 Status: up       , rx           260661, tx           261100
                |-- Tunnel t_3 Status: up       , rx           260591, tx           260636
                |-- Tunnel te_0 Status: up      , rx          1432043, tx          1563512
                |-- Tunnel t_1 Status: up       , rx           261211, tx           260111
                |-- Tunnel t_4 Status: up       , rx           260614, tx           260662

            Node Units HealthChecking
[+] systemResource:
        [-] cpu
                [*] cpu.idle             ............ good
                [*] cpu.loadAvg          ............ good
                   > CPU load average high (1min: 0.000000, 5min: 0.000000, 15min: 0.000000), threshold: 6.400000
        [-] memory
                [*] memory.free          ............ good
                   > Free memory (free: 2563272704 bytes, total: 3144695808 bytes)
        [-] disk
                [*] disk.root.free       ............ good
                   > Free root partition (free: 352788480 bytes, 29% of total)
                [*] disk.log.free        ............ good
                   > Free log partition (free: 493477888 bytes, 89% of total)
                [*] disk.coredump.free   ............ good
                   > Free coredump partition (free: 372967424 bytes, 88% of total)

[+] systemService:
        [-] service.status
                [*] cgw                  ............ good
                   > Service cgw is running properly.
                [*] hbrsrv               ............ good
                   > Service hbrsrv is running properly.
                [*] lwdproxy             ............ good
                   > Service lwdproxy is running properly.
                [*] ntpd                 ............ good
                   > Service ntpd is running properly.
                [*] fcron                ............ good
                   > Service fcron is running properly.
                [*] vmtoolsd             ............ good
                   > Service vmtoolsd is running properly.
                [*] watchdog             ............ good
                   > Service watchdog is running properly.
                [*] hamon                ............ good
                   > Service hamon is running properly.
                [*] ipsec                ............ good
                   > Service ipsec is running properly.

[+] encryptService:
        [-] encrypt.daemons
                [*] ipsec                ............ good
                   > Service ipsec is running properly.
        [-] encrypt.tunnels
                [*] encrypt.configstate  ............ good
                [*] encrypt.tunnelstate  ............ good
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_0 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_0 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_1 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_1 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_2 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_2 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_3 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_3 connectivity is UP.
                [*] encrypt.tunnelconn.t_4 ............ good
                   > Tunnel t_4 connectivity is UP.

[+] fouService:
        [-] fou.tunnels
                [*] fou.tunnelstate.ipip_te_0 ............ good
                [*] fou.flow.{ --> 44.##.##.##:4500, state:  } { 44.##.##.##:4500 -->, state: [ASSURED] } ............ good
                [*] fou.configstate      ............ good
                [*] fou.tunnelstate      ............ good

Additional Information