[VMC on AWS] Deleted segment route was advertised to AWS route table when xVPC connection established
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[VMC on AWS] Deleted segment route was advertised to AWS route table when xVPC connection established


Article ID: 327117


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


  • Segment route is advertised to AWS route table though the segment was deleted from SDDC before.
  • Cannot see the deleted segment in SDDC > Networking & Security > Network > Segments.
  • After xVPC connection is established, the segment route is advertised to AWS route table.
  • This issue is observed on SDDC 1.12.


This issue occurs when the segment information left over at ESXi unexpectedly while deleting it from SDDC.


VMware Engineering is aware of the issue and working to resolve the issue in the future release.
Please contact VMware Technical Support for assistance to delete the unnecessary route from AWS route table.