[VMC on AWS] Unable to access NSX Manager via private URL using CSP credentials with an error code 98
Article ID: 327116
Updated On:
VMware Cloud on AWS
To provide information on a known issue.
Symptoms: Users may not be able to access NSX Manager via private URL using CSP credentials and seeing the following error if they belong to multiple organizations. {"module_name":"common-service","error_message":"Unauthorized","error_code":98}
When user belongs to multiple organization logs into NSX Manager via private URL using CSP credentials, an access token is internelly generated to access NSX Manager of the default organization. Therefore, logging into NSX Manager of an organization that is not set as the default organization will fail.
This issue will be fixed in the future release.
Workaround: Before logging into NSX Manager, set the organization which contains NSX Manager you would like to access as the default organization. How do I specify a default Organization https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-services/services/Using-VMware-Cloud-Services/GUID-2F23388B-A8C2-4230-BDE8-37406BC16C92.html
Additional Information
Customer may not be able to access NSX Manager via private URL using CSP credentials.