[VMC on AWS] How to setup NTP server in Cloud proxy of vRealize Log Insight Cloud
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[VMC on AWS] How to setup NTP server in Cloud proxy of vRealize Log Insight Cloud


Article ID: 327107


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


If you want to setup NTP server for your Cloud proxy, you can setup it in the following steps.
This article explains how to setup NTP server in Cloud proxy of vRealize Log Insight Cloud.


Please setup these steps in your Cloud proxy.

1. Log in to the Cloud proxy via console.
2. When prompted for credentials, enter root as the user name and password.
3. Type "
/rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh status" command to check the current time synchronization settings. ("Enabled using ESX" state by default.)
e.g :
# /rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh status
Enabled using ESX
4. Type "/rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh ntp [NTP SERVER]" command to setup NTP server. (Disabled message is displayed)
e.g : 
# /rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh ntp ntp.vmware.com
4-1 (option). If you want to setup multiple NTP servers, type "/rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh ntp [NTP SERVER 1] [NTP SERVER 2]" command.
e.g : 
# /rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh ntp ntp1.vmware.com ntp2.vmware.com
5. Type "reboot" to restart Cloud proxy.
6. Log in to the Cloud proxy again, reffering to steps 1 and 2 above.
7. Type "/rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh status" command to check the current time synchronization settings.
e.g :
# /rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh status
Enabled using NTP
8. Type "ntpq -p" to confirm that NTP server you setup displayed. 
9 (option). If you want to synchronize with ESXi, type "/rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh esx" command. And then reboot the Cloud proxy.
e.g :
# /rpm-content/time-sync-ctl.sh esx