Access Denied
error, set the default shell for the user to bash.Access Denied
Note: For additional symptoms and log entries, see the Additional Information section.
To confirm this issue is occurring:
First, shut down the VCSA and take a snapshot.
rw init=/bin/bash
to the end of the line.mount -o remount,rw /
cat /etc/passwd
For example:
postfix:x:51:51:Postfix Daemon:/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false
. If this entry does not contain /root:/bin/appliancesh
review the /root/.bash_history
file to see if an invalid shell was set with this command:less /root/.bash_history
For example:#1468577177
chsh -s "/bin/bosh" root
Note: In the example above the root user has incorrectly set the shell to "/bin/bosh
". The line above is the timestamp of this event in epoch format.
chsh -s /bin/bash root
You experience these additional symptoms:
) using same credentials is successful.Invalid Shell
file, you see entries similar to:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS vc sshd[23037]: User root not allowed because shell /bin/bosh does not exist