Creating VM fails with error: "No VASA Provider for schema namespace (VSAN) found"
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Creating VM fails with error: "No VASA Provider for schema namespace (VSAN) found"


Article ID: 326993


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Unable to create new virtual machine
  • In the vSphere Web client, you will not see any vSAN storage provider.
  • You will see an error similar to:
A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCreateCheckCallback: pbm.fault;
No VASA Provider for schema namespace (VSAN) found

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x


This issue occurs because vCenter Server can not detect any vSAN storage provider.

There is no way to detect vSAN storage provider if no hosts are available when vCenter Server starts.

Note: vSAN storage provider cannot be recognized automtically even after host start working properly.


To work around this issue, you have the following options.
  • Initiate synchronizing vSAN storage provider by clicking the icon for synchronization in the page:
vCenter Server > Configure > Storage Providers
  • Make sure at least one host is working when starting vCenter Server.
The VASA-related issue has been resolved in 6.7 U3 and 7.0 GA onwards.

Additional Information

仮想マシンを作成すると、エラー「スキーマ名前空間 (VSAN) の VASA プロバイダが見つかりません (No VASA Provider for schema namespace (VSAN) found)」で失敗する (52966)
中文简体:创建虚拟机失败并显示错误:“未找到模式命名空间的 VASA 提供程序 (VSAN) (No VASA Provider for schema namespace (VSAN) found)”