vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 1
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vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 1


Article ID: 326953


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VMware vSAN


This article explains vSAN Performance Graphs, available in vSAN (formerly known as Virtual SAN) 6.2 and later.
For Remote VM graphs in vSAN 7.0 U1 and later, see: vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 2
For RDT network graphs in vSAN 8.0 U1 and later, see: vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 3.


VMware vSAN


To get vSAN performance graphs/charts, first you need to enable the vSAN performance service.

You can view performance changes from different levels of entities (clusters, hosts, disk groups, physical disks, virtual machines and virtual disks) and different standpoints (Virtual Machine consumption, vSAN backend).

There are multiple graphs you can monitor to understand vSAN performance. Here are the details of all available vSAN performance graphs.

* denotes vSAN 6.6 and later only.
** denotes vSAN 7.0 and later only.

Cluster performance

Virtual Machine Consumption graphs

These graphs show metrics about clusters in the perspective of VM consumption.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Read IOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. iopsRead cluster-domclient
Write IOPS Write IOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. iopsWrite cluster-domclient


This graph shows throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput Read Throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. throughputRead cluster-domclient
Write Throughput Write Throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. throughputWrite cluster-domclient


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average read latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. latencyAvgRead cluster-domclient
Write Latency Average write latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. latencyAvgWrite cluster-domclient


This graph shows congestions of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Congestions Congestions of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. congestion cluster-domclient

Outstanding IO

This graph shows outstanding IO from all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO Outstanding IO from all vSAN clients in the cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. oio cluster-domclient

vSAN Backend graphs

These graphs show metrics about clusters in the perspective of vSAN backend.


This graph shows vSAN cluster backend IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS vSAN cluster read IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsRead cluster-domcompmgr
Resync Read IOPS vSAN cluster read IOPS of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsResyncRead cluster-domcompmgr
Write IOPS vSAN cluster write IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsWrite cluster-domcompmgr
Recovery Write IOPS vSAN cluster recovery write IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsRecWrite cluster-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN cluster backend throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput vSAN cluster read throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputRead cluster-domcompmgr
Resync Read Throughput vSAN cluster read throughput of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. tputResyncRead cluster-domcompmgr
Write Throughput vSAN cluster write throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputWrite cluster-domcompmgr
Recovery Write Throughput vSAN cluster recovery write throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputRecWrite cluster-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN cluster backend latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency vSAN cluster average read latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgRead cluster-domcompmgr
Resync Read Latency vSAN cluster read average latency of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. latAvgResyncRead cluster-domcompmgr
Write Latency vSAN cluster average write latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgWrite cluster-domcompmgr
Recovery Write Latency vSAN cluster recovery write average latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgRecWrite cluster-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN cluster backend congestions.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Congestions vSAN cluster congestions in the perspective of vSAN backend. congestion cluster-domcompmgr

Outstanding IO

This graph shows vSAN cluster backend outstanding IO.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO vSAN cluster outstanding IO in the perspective of vSAN backend. oio cluster-domcompmgr

This graph shows iOPS consumed by 

Metrics Metrics Descriptions Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
IOPS for read operations Read IOPS consumed by all clients that mount the file share readOpTotal vsan-file-service
IOPS for write operations Read IOPS consumed by all clients that mount the file share writeOpTotal vsan-file-service


This graph shows throughput consumed by 

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Requested bytes for read Read Throughput requested by all clients that mount the file share readRequested vsan-file-service
Actual transferred bytes for read Read Throughput actual transferred from the file share to all clients readTransferred vsan-file-service
Requested bytes for write Write Throughput requested by all clients that mount the file share writeRequested vsan-file-service
Actual transferred bytes for write Write Throughput actual transferred and written to the file share writeTransferred vsan-file-service

This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by 

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average latency of read IOs generated by all clients that mount the file share readLatency vsan-file-service
Write Latency Average latency of write IOs generated by all clients that mount the file share writeLatency vsan-file-service

File Share Status graphs **

These graphs show metrics about vSAN file services per file share. NFS/SMB performance indicates the aggregation of the performance statistics from vSAN file service with the corresponding protocol. Turning on the file system performance allows you to identify performance breakdown at file system layer and protocol stack.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by 

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
IOPS for read operations Read IOPS consumed by all clients that mount the file share. readOpTotal vsan-file-service
IOPS for write operations Write IOPS consumed by all clients that mount the file share. writeOpTotal vsan-file-service


This graph shows throughput consumed by 

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Requested bytes for read Read Throughput requested by all clients that mount the file share. readRequested vsan-file-service
Actual transferred bytes for read Read Throughput actual transferred from the file share to all clients. readTransferred vsan-file-service
Requested bytes for write Write Throughput requested by all clients that mount the file share. writeRequested vsan-file-service
Actual transferred bytes for write Write Throughput actual transferred and written to the file share.    writeTransferred vsan-file-service


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by 

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average latency of read IOs generated by all clients that mount the file share. readLatency vsan-file-service
Write Latency Average latency of write IOs generated by all clients that mount the file share. writeLatency vsan-file-service

Host Performance

Virtual Machine Consumption graphs

These graphs show metrics about hosts in the perspective of VM consumption.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Read IOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. iopsRead host-domclient
Write IOPS Write IOPS consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. iopsWrite host-domclient
Unmap IOPS vSAN host IOPS of trim/unmap commands consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. iopsUnmap host-domclient


This graph shows throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput Read Throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. throughputRead host-domclient
Write Throughput Write Throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. throughputWrite host-domclient

Trim/Unmap Throughput

This graph shows trim/unmap throughput consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Unmap Throughput vSAN host throughput of trim/unmap commands consumed by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. throughputUnmap host-domclient


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average read latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. latencyAvgRead host-domclient
Write Latency Average write latency of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. latencyAvgWrite host-domclient
Unmap Latency vSAN host average latency of trim/unmap commands generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. latencyAvgUnmap host-domclient

Local Client Cache Hit IOPS

This graph shows average local client cache read IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Local Client Cache Hit IOPS Average local client cache read IOPS. clientCacheHits host-domclient

Local Client Cache Hit Rate

This graph shows percentage of read IOs which could be satisfied by the local client cache.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Local Client Cache Hit Rate Percentage of read IOs which could be satisfied by the local client cache. clientCacheHitRate host-domclient


This graph shows congestions of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Congestions Congestions of IOs generated by all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. congestion host-domclient

Outstanding IO

This graph shows outstanding IO from all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO Outstanding IO from all vSAN clients in the host, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc. oio host-domclient

vSAN Backend graphs

These graphs show metrics about hosts in the perspective of vSAN backend.


This graph shows vSAN Backend Host IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS vSAN host read IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsRead host-domcompmgr
Write IOPS vSAN host write IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsWrite host-domcompmgr
Resync Read IOPS vSAN host read IOPS of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsResyncRead host-domcompmgr
Recovery Write IOPS vSAN host recovery write IOPS in the perspective of vSAN backend. iopsRecWrite host-domcompmgr
Unmap IOPS IOPS of trim/unmap command going to disk groups on this host. iopsUnmap host-domcompmgr
Recovery Unmap IOPS IOPS of Recovery trim/unmap command going to disk groups on this host. iopsRecUnmap host-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN Backend Host Throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput vSAN host read throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputRead host-domcompmgr
Write Throughput vSAN host write throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputWrite host-domcompmgr
Resync Read Throughput vSAN host read throughput of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. tputResyncRead host-domcompmgr
Recovery Write Throughput vSAN host recovery write throughput in the perspective of vSAN backend. throughputRecWrite host-domcompmgr

Trim/Unmap Throughput

This graph shows trim/Unmap Throughput going to disk groups on this host.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Unmap Throughput Total trim/unmap throughput going to disk groups on this host. throughputUnmap host-domcompmgr
Recovery Unmap Throughput Total recovery trim/unmap throughput going to disk groups on this host. throughputRecUnmap host-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN Backend Host Latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency vSAN host read IO average latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgRead host-domcompmgr
Write Latency vSAN host write IO average latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgWrite host-domcompmgr
Resync Read Latency vSAN host read average latency of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects in the perspective of vSAN backend. latAvgResyncRead host-domcompmgr
Recovery Write Latency vSAN host recovery write IO average latency in the perspective of vSAN backend. latencyAvgRecWrite host-domcompmgr
Unmap Latency Average trim/unmap latency going to disk groups on this host. latencyAvgUnmap host-domcompmgr
Recovery Unmap Latency Average trim/unmap latency going to disk groups on this host. latencyAvgRecUnmap host-domcompmgr


This graph shows vSAN Backend Host Congestions.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Congestions vSAN host Congestions in the perspective of vSAN backend. congestion host-domcompmgr

Outstanding IO

This graph shows vSAN Backend Host Outstanding IO.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO vSAN host Outstanding IO in the perspective of vSAN backend. oio host-domcompmgr

Network Consumption graphs *

Physical NIC network status graphs

These graphs show metrics for vSAN physical NIC.

pNIC Throughput

This graph shows physical NIC Network I/O Throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
pNIC Throughput Inbound Physical NIC Throughput Inbound. rxThroughput vsan-pnic-net
pNIC Throughput Outbound Physical NIC Throughput Outbound. txThroughput vsan-pnic-net

pNIC Packets Per Second

This graph shows physical NIC Packets Per Second.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
pNIC Inbound Packets Per Second Physical NIC Inbound Packets Per Second. rxPackets vsan-pnic-net
pNIC Outbound Packets Per Second Physical NIC Outbound Packets Per Second. txPackets vsan-pnic-net

pNIC Packet Error Rate

This graph shows percentage of Physical NIC Packet Error Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
pNIC Inbound Packet Error Rate Percentage of Physical NIC Inbound Packet Error Rate. rxPacketsLossRate vsan-pnic-net
pNIC Outbound Packet Error Rate Percentage of Physical NIC Outbound Packet Error Rate. txPacketsLossRate vsan-pnic-net

pNIC vSwitch Port Drop Rate

This graph shows percentage of Physical NIC vSwitch Port Drop Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Inbound Packet Drop Rate of pNic vSwitch Port Percentage of Physical NIC Inbound vSwitch Port Drop Rate. portRxDrops vsan-pnic-net
Outbound Packet Drop Rate of pNic vSwitch Port Percentage of Physical NIC Outbound vSwitch Port Drop Rate. portTxDrops vsan-pnic-net

pNIC Flow Control

This graph shows percentage of Physical NIC 802.3x Pause Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
pNic 802.3x Pause Rate Percentage of Physical NIC 802.3x Pause Rate. pauseCount vsan-pnic-net

VMKernel Network Adapter status graphs

These graphs show metrics for vSAN VMkernel Network Adapter.

VMkernel Network Adapter Throughput

This graph shows vMkernel Network Adapter Network I/O Throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Throughput Inbound VMkernel Network Adapter Throughput Inbound. rxThroughput vsan-vnic-net
Throughput Outbound VMkernel Network Adapter Throughput Outbound. txThroughput vsan-vnic-net

VMkernel Network Adapter Packets Per Second

This graph shows vMkernel Network Adapter Packets Per Second.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Inbound Packets Per Second VMkernel Network Adapter Inbound Packets Per Second. rxPackets vsan-vnic-net
Outbound Packets Per Second VMkernel Network Adapter Outbound Packets Per Second. txPackets vsan-vnic-net

VMkernel Network Adapter Packet Discard Rate

This graph shows percentage of VMkernel Network Adapter Packet Discard Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Inbound Packet Discard Rate Percentage of VMkernel Network Adapter Inbound Packet Discard Rate. rxPacketsLossRate vsan-vnic-net
Outbound Packet Discard Rate Percentage of VMkernel Network Adapter Outbound Packet Discard Rate. txPacketsLossRate vsan-vnic-net

VMkernel Network vSwitch Port Drop Rate

This graph shows percentage of VMkernel Network vSwitch Port Drop Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Inbound Packet Drop Rate of vSwitch Port Percentage of VMkernel Network vSwitch Port Inbound Packet Drop Rate. portRxDrops vsan-vnic-net
Outbound Packet Drop Rate of vSwitch Port Percentage of VMkernel Network vSwitch Port Outbound Packet Drop Rate. portTxDrops vsan-vnic-net

vSAN Host Network status graphs

These graphs show metrics for vSAN Host Network.

vSAN Host Network I/O Throughput

This graph shows host Network I/O Throughput of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Network Inbound Throughput Host Throughput Inbound of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. rxThroughput vsan-host-net
Network Outbound Throughput Host Throughput Outbound of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. txThroughput vsan-host-net

vSAN Host Packets Per Second

This graph shows vSAN Host Packets Per Second of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Network Inbound Packets Per Second Host Network Inbound Packets Per Second of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. rxPackets vsan-host-net
Network Outbound Packets Per Second Host Network Outbound Packets Per Second of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. txPackets vsan-host-net

vSAN Host Packet Discard Rate

This graph shows percentage of Host Packet Discard Rate of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Network Inbound Packet Discard Rate Percentage of Host Inbound Packet Discard Rate of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. rxPacketsLossRate vsan-host-net
Network Outbound Packet Discard Rate Percentage of Host Outbound Packet Discard Rate of All VMkernel Network Adapters Enabled vSAN Traffic. txPacketsLossRate vsan-host-net

vSAN Host Port Drop Rate

This graph shows percentage of vSAN Host Port Drop Rate of All vSAN VMkernel Network vSwitch Ports.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Inbound Packet Drop Rate of vSAN Host Port Percentage of vSAN Host Port Inbound Packet Drop Rate. portRxDrops vsan-host-net
Outbound Packet Drop Rate of vSAN Host Port Percentage of vSAN Host Port Outbound Packet Drop Rate. portTxDrops vsan-host-net

vSAN Host TCP Packet Retransmission and Loss Rate

This graph shows percentage of Host TCP Packet Retransmission and Loss Rate of All vSAN Traffic.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
TCP Outbound Retransmission Rate Percentage of Host TCP Outbound Retransmission Rate of All vSAN Traffic. tcpTxRexmitRate vsan-host-net
TCP Inbound Loss Rate Percentage of Host TCP Inbound Loss Rate of All vSAN Traffic. tcpRxErrRate vsan-host-net

vSAN Disk Group Performance

Disk Group graphs

These graphs show metrics about disk groups.

Frontend(Guest) IOPS

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend(guest) IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Frontend Read IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend read IOPS including RC read misses. iopsRead disk-group
Frontend Write IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend write IOPS. iopsWrite disk-group
Read Cache Read IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache read IOPS. iopsRcRead disk-group
Write Buffer Write IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer write IOPS. iopsWbWrite disk-group

Frontend(Guest) Throughput

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend(guest) Throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Frontend Read Throughput vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend read throughput. throughputRead disk-group
Frontend Write Throughput vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend write throughput. throughputWrite disk-group

Frontend(Guest) Latency

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend(guest) latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Frontend Read Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend read latency. latencyAvgRead disk-group
Frontend Write Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) frontend write latency. latencyAvgWrite disk-group
Read Cache Read Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache read latency. latencyRcRead disk-group
Write Buffer Write Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer write latency. latencyWbWrite disk-group

Overhead IOPS

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) overhead IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Cache Write IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache write IOPS. iopsRcWrite disk-group
Write Buffer Read IOPS vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer read IOPS. iopsWbRead disk-group

Overhead IO Latency

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) overhead IO latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Cache Write Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache write latency. latencyRcWrite disk-group
Write Buffer Read Latency vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer read latency. latencyWbRead disk-group

Read Cache Hit Rate

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache Hit Rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Cache Hit Rate vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Read Cache Hit Rate. rcHitRate disk-group


This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) evictions.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Cache Invalidations Cache lines invalidated due to overwrites. warEvictions disk-group
Evictions Evictions due to Read Cache contention. quotaEvictions disk-group

Write Buffer Free Percentage

This graph shows vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer free percentage.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Write Buffer Free Percentage vSAN disk group (cache tier disk) Write Buffer free percentage. wbFreePct disk-group

Capacity and Usage

This graph shows vSAN disk group capacity and usage.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Capacity vSAN disk group capacity. capacity disk-group
Used Capacity vSAN disk group used capacity. capacityUsed disk-group
Reserved Capacity vSAN disk group reserved capacity. capacityReserved disk-group
Read Cache Size vSAN disk group Read Cache size. rcSize disk-group
Write Buffer Size vSAN disk group Write Buffer size. wbSize disk-group

Cache Disk De-stage Rate

This graph shows the throughput of the data de-staging from the cache disk to capacity disks.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Bytes De-stage from SSD The throughput of the SSD bytes de-staged from the cache disk to capacity disks. ssdBytesDrained disk-group
Zero-Bytes De-stage The throughput of the zero-bytes de-staged to capacity disks. zeroBytesDrained disk-group


This graph shows vSAN disk group congestions.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Mem-Congestion vSAN disk group Mem-congestions. memCongestion disk-group
Slab-Congestion vSAN disk group Slab-congestions. slabCongestion disk-group
SSD-Congestion vSAN disk group SSD-congestions. ssdCongestion disk-group
IOPS-Congestion vSAN disk group IOPS-congestions. iopsCongestion disk-group
Log-Congestion vSAN disk group Log-congestions. logCongestion disk-group
Comp-Congestion vSAN disk group Comp-congestion. compCongestion disk-group

Bandwidth available under log congestion.

This graph shows bandwidth sustainable by destaging rate when the log build up is beyond the high watermark. Log buildup is limited to bound memory use and mount time. 4k block size IO has the highest log build up. Once log build up crosses the high watermark we limit the bandwidth to what can be supported by the current destaging rate.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
LogCongestionTput Bandwidth sustainable by the current destaging rate, because the log buildup is beyond the high watermark. bytesPerSecondBandwidth disk-group

Outstanding IO

This graph shows the outstanding write IO of disk groups.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding Write OPs The number of outstanding write operations of the disk group. oioWrite disk-group
Outstanding Recovery Write OPs The number of outstanding recovery write operations of the disk group. oioRecWrite disk-group

Outstanding IO Size

This graph shows the outstanding write IO size of disk groups.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding Write IO Size The size of outstanding write IO of the disk group. oioWriteSize disk-group
Outstanding Recovery Write IO Size The size of outstanding recovery write IO of the disk group. oioRecWriteSize disk-group

Delayed IO Percentage

This graph shows the percentage of IOs which go though vSAN internal queues.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Delayed IO Percentage The percentage of IOs which go though vSAN internal queues. iopsDelayPctSched disk-group

Delayed IO Average Latency

This graph shows the average latency of IOs which go though vSAN internal queues.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Delayed IO Average Latency The average latency of total IOs which go though vSAN internal queues. latencyDelaySched disk-group
Latency of Namespace Queue The Latency of the namespace IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. latencySchedQueueNS disk-group
Latency of Recovery Queue The Latency of the recovery IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. latencySchedQueueRec disk-group
Latency of VM Queue The Latency of the VM IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. latencySchedQueueVM disk-group
Latency of Meta Queue The Latency of the meta IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. latencySchedQueueMeta disk-group

Delayed IOPS

This graph shows the IOPS of delayed IOs which go through vSAN internal queues.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Total Delayed IOPS The IOPS of total IOs which go through vSAN internal queues. iopsSched disk-group
IOPS of Namespace Queue The IOPS of the namespace IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. iopsSchedQueueNS disk-group
IOPS of Recovery Queue The IOPS of the recovery IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. iopsSchedQueueRec disk-group
IOPS of VM Queue The IOPS of the VM IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. iopsSchedQueueVM disk-group
IOPS of Meta Queue The IOPS of the meta IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. iopsSchedQueueMeta disk-group

Delayed IO Throughput

This graph shows the throughput of delayed IOs which go through vSAN internal queues.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Total Queue Throughput The throughput of total delayed IO in the vSAN internal scheduler. throughputSched disk-group
Throughput of Namespace Queue The throughput of the namespace IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. throughputSchedQueueNS disk-group
Throughput of Recovery Queue The throughput of the recovery IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. throughputSchedQueueRec disk-group
Throughput of VM Queue The throughput of the VM IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. throughputSchedQueueVM disk-group
Throughput of Meta Queue The throughput of the meta IO queue in the vSAN internal scheduler. throughputSchedQueueMeta disk-group

vSAN Disk Group performance graphs *

Resync IOPS

This graph shows vSAN disk group level IOPS of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Policy Change Read vSAN disk group level read IOPS for resync traffic caused by change of policy. iopsResyncReadPolicy disk-group
Evacuation Read vSAN disk group level read IOPS for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. iopsResyncReadDecom disk-group
Rebalance Read vSAN disk group level read IOPS for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. iopsResyncReadRebalance disk-group
Repair Read vSAN disk group level read IOPS for resync traffic caused by object repair. iopsResyncReadFixComp disk-group
Policy Change Write vSAN disk group level write IOPS for resync traffic caused by change of policy. iopsResyncWritePolicy disk-group
Evacuation Write vSAN disk group level write IOPS for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. iopsResyncWriteDecom disk-group
Rebalance Write vSAN disk group level write IOPS for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. iopsResyncWriteRebalance disk-group
Repair Write vSAN disk group level write IOPS for resync traffic caused by object repair. iopsResyncWriteFixComp disk-group

Resync Throughput

This graph shows vSAN disk group level throughput of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Policy Change Read vSAN disk group level read throughput for resync traffic caused by change of policy. tputResyncReadPolicy disk-group
Evacuation Read vSAN disk group level read throughput for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. tputResyncReadDecom disk-group
Rebalance Read vSAN disk group level read throughput for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. tputResyncReadRebalance disk-group
Repair Read vSAN disk group level read throughput for resync traffic caused by object repair. tputResyncReadFixComp disk-group
Policy Change Write vSAN disk group level write throughput for resync traffic caused by change of policy. tputResyncWritePolicy disk-group
Evacuation Write vSAN disk group level write throughput for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. tputResyncWriteDecom disk-group
Rebalance Write vSAN disk group level write throughput for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. tputResyncWriteRebalance disk-group
Repair Write vSAN disk group level write throughput for resync traffic caused by object repair. tputResyncWriteFixComp disk-group

Resync Latency

This graph shows vSAN disk group level average latency of resync traffic, including policy change, repair, maintenance mode / evacuation and rebalance from resyncing objects.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Policy Change Read vSAN disk group level read latency for resync traffic caused by change of policy. latResyncReadPolicy disk-group
Evacuation Read vSAN disk group level read latency for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. latResyncReadDecom disk-group
Rebalance Read vSAN disk group level read latency for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. latResyncReadRebalance disk-group
Repair Read vSAN disk group level read latency for resync traffic caused by object repair. latResyncReadFixComp disk-group
Policy Change Write vSAN disk group level write latency for resync traffic caused by change of policy. latResyncWritePolicy disk-group
Evacuation Write vSAN disk group level write latency for resync traffic caused by maintenance mode and object evacuation. latResyncWriteDecom disk-group
Rebalance Write vSAN disk group level write latency for resync traffic caused by rebalancing objects. latResyncWriteRebalance disk-group
Repair Write vSAN disk group level write latency for resync traffic caused by object repair. latResyncWriteFixComp disk-group

vSAN iSCSI Target Performance *

These graphs are all related to vSAN iSCSI service. They are available in vSAN 6.6 and later releases. All iSCSI stats are only valid when the iSCSI service is enabled.

vSAN iSCSI host level graphs *

These graphs show metrics for all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Read IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. iopsRead vsan-iscsi-host
Write IOPS Write IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. iopsWrite vsan-iscsi-host
Total IOPS Total IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. iopsTotal vsan-iscsi-host


This graph shows bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Bandwidth Read bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. bandwidthRead vsan-iscsi-host
Write Bandwidth Write bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. bandwidthWrite vsan-iscsi-host
Total Bandwidth Total bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. bandwidthTotal vsan-iscsi-host


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average read latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. latencyRead vsan-iscsi-host
Write Latency Average write latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. latencyWrite vsan-iscsi-host
Total Latency Average total latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. latencyTotal vsan-iscsi-host

Outstanding IO

This graph shows outstanding IO from all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO Outstanding IO from all vSAN iSCSI targets on this ESXi host. queueDepth vsan-iscsi-host

vSAN iSCSI target level graphs *

These graphs show metrics for all LUNs on a vSAN iSCSI target.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Read IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. iopsRead vsan-iscsi-target
Write IOPS Write IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. iopsWrite vsan-iscsi-target
Total IOPS Total IOPS consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. iopsTotal vsan-iscsi-target


This graph shows bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Bandwidth Read bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. bandwidthRead vsan-iscsi-target
Write Bandwidth Write bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. bandwidthWrite vsan-iscsi-target
Total Bandwidth Total bandwidth consumed by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. bandwidthTotal vsan-iscsi-target


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average read latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. latencyRead vsan-iscsi-target
Write Latency Average write latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. latencyWrite vsan-iscsi-target
Total Latency Average total latency of IOs generated by all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. latencyTotal vsan-iscsi-target

Outstanding IO

This graph shows outstanding IO from all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO Outstanding IO from all vSAN iSCSI LUNs on this target. queueDepth vsan-iscsi-target

vSAN iSCSI LUN level graphs *

These graphs show metrics for a vSAN iSCSI LUN.


This graph shows iOPS consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Read IOPS consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. iopsRead vsan-iscsi-lun
Write IOPS Write IOPS consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. iopsWrite vsan-iscsi-lun
Total IOPS Total IOPS consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. iopsTotal vsan-iscsi-lun


This graph shows bandwidth consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Bandwidth Read bandwidth consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. bandwidthRead vsan-iscsi-lun
Write Bandwidth Write bandwidth consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. bandwidthWrite vsan-iscsi-lun
Total Bandwidth Total bandwidth consumed by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. bandwidthTotal vsan-iscsi-lun


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by this vSAN iSCSI LUN.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Average read latency of IOs generated by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. latencyRead vsan-iscsi-lun
Write Latency Average write latency of IOs generated by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. latencyWrite vsan-iscsi-lun
Total Latency Average total latency of IOs generated by this vSAN iSCSI LUN. latencyTotal vsan-iscsi-lun

Outstanding IO

This graph shows outstanding IO from this vSAN iSCSI LUN.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IO Outstanding IO from this vSAN iSCSI LUN. queueDepth vsan-iscsi-lun

vSAN Physical Disks Performance

Cache-tier Disk graphs

These graphs show metrics about Cache-tier disks.

Physical/Firmware Layer IOPS

This graph shows vSAN cache tier disk physical/firmware layer IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read IOPS vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read IOPS. iopsDevRead cache-disk
Physical-layer Write IOPS vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write IOPS. iopsDevWrite cache-disk

Physical/Firmware Layer Throughput

This graph shows vSAN cache tier disk physical/firmware layer throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read Throughput vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read throughput. throughputDevRead cache-disk
Physical-layer Write Throughput vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write throughput. throughputDevWrite cache-disk

Physical/Firmware Layer Latency

This graph shows vSAN cache tier disk physical/firmware layer latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read Latency vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read latency. latencyDevRead cache-disk
Physical-layer Write Latency vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write latency. latencyDevWrite cache-disk
Guest Average Latency vSAN disk Guest IO latency (total latency). latencyDevGAvg cache-disk
Device Average Latency vSAN disk IO device latency (from HBA to backend storage). latencyDevDAvg cache-disk

Capacity-tier Disks graphs

These graphs show metrics about Capacity-tier disks.

Physical/Firmware Layer IOPS

This graph shows vSAN capacity tier disk physical/firmware layer IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read IOPS vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read IOPS. iopsDevRead capacity-disk
Physical-layer Write IOPS vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write IOPS. iopsDevWrite capacity-disk

Physical/Firmware Layer Throughput

This graph shows vSAN capacity tier disk physical/firmware layer throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read Throughput vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read throughput. throughputDevRead capacity-disk
Physical-layer Write Throughput vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write throughput. throughputDevWrite capacity-disk

Physical/Firmware Layer Latency

This graph shows vSAN capacity tier disk physical/firmware layer latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Physical-layer Read Latency vSAN disk physical/firmware layer read latency. latencyDevRead capacity-disk
Physical-layer Write Latency vSAN disk physical/firmware layer write latency. latencyDevWrite capacity-disk
Guest Average Latency vSAN disk Guest IO latency (total latency). latencyDevGAvg capacity-disk
Device Average Latency vSAN disk IO device latency (from HBA to backend storage). latencyDevDAvg capacity-disk


This graph shows capacity tier disk vSAN layer IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
vSAN Layer Read IOPS Disk vSAN layer read IOPS. iopsRead capacity-disk
vSAN Layer Write IOPS Disk vSAN layer write IOPS. iopsWrite capacity-disk

vSAN Layer Latency

This graph shows capacity tier disk vSAN layer latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
vSAN Layer Read Latency Disk vSAN layer read latency. latencyRead capacity-disk
vSAN Layer Write Latency Disk vSAN layer write latency. latencyWrite capacity-disk

Virtual Machine Performance

Virtual Machine Consumption graphs

These graphs show metrics for virtual machines.


This graph shows virtual machine IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Virtual machine read IOPS. iopsRead virtual-machine
Write IOPS Virtual machine write IOPS. iopsWrite virtual-machine


This graph shows virtual machine throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput Virtual machine read throughput. throughputRead virtual-machine
Write Throughput Virtual machine write throughput. throughputWrite virtual-machine


This graph shows virtual machine latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Virtual machine read latency. latencyRead virtual-machine
Write Latency Virtual machine write latency. latencyWrite virtual-machine

Virtual Disk Performance

Virtual Disk graphs

These graphs show metrics for Virtual SCSI of virtual machines.


This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI IOPS.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Virtual machine VSCSI read IOPS. iopsRead vscsi
Write IOPS Virtual machine VSCSI write IOPS. iopsWrite vscsi

Virtual SCSI Throughput

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI throughput.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI read throughput. throughputRead vscsi
Write Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI write throughput. throughputWrite vscsi

Virtual SCSI Latency

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI latency.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Latency Virtual machine VSCSI read latency. latencyRead vscsi
Write Latency Virtual machine VSCSI write latency. latencyWrite vscsi

Virtual Disk IOPS Limit graphs

These graphs show metrics for virtual disks.

IOPS and IOPS Limit

This graph shows normalized IOPS for a virutal disk. If an IOPS limit has been specified in the policy, the graph will also show the limit.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Normalized IOPS Limit The applied IOPS limit. iopsLimit virtual-disk
Normalized IOPS This shows IOPS that are represented using a weighted size of 32KB by default. This means that a 64KB read or write operation represents 2 normalized IO. The weighted size is a configurable parameter. NIOPS virtual-disk

Delayed Normalized IOPS

This graph shows the normalized IOPS for the IOs that are delayed due to the application of the IOPS limit.

Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Delayed Normalized IOPS This is the IOPS for normalized IOs that are delayed. NIOPSDelayed virtual-disk

IOInsight graphs**

These graphs show metrics for IOInsight.


This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI IOPS.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS Virtual machine VSCSI read IOPS iopsRead ioinsight
Write IOPS Virtual machine VSCSI write IOPS iopsWrite ioinsight
Total IOPS Virtual machine VSCSI total IOPS iopsTotal ioinsight


This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI throughput.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI read throughput throughputRead ioinsight
Write Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI write throughput throughputWrite ioinsight
Total Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI total throughput throughputTotal ioinsight

Sequential & Random Throughput

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI throughput.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Sequential Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI Sequential throughput throughputSequential ioinsight
Random Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI Random throughput throughputRandom ioinsight
Total Throughput Virtual machine VSCSI total throughput throughputTotal ioinsight

Sequential & Random IO Ratio

This graph shows virtual machine sequential & random IO Ratio
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Sequential Read IO Virtual machine VSCSI Sequential read IO ratio sequentialReadRatio ioinsight
Sequential Write IO Virtual machine VSCSI Sequential write IO ratio sequentialWriteRatio ioinsight
Sequential IO Virtual machine VSCSI Sequential IO ratio sequentialRatio ioinsight
Random Read IO Virtual machine VSCSI Random read IO ratio randomReadRatio ioinsight
Random Write IO Virtual machine VSCSI Random write IO ratio randomWriteRatio ioinsight
Random IO Virtual machine VSCSI Random IO ratio randomRatio ioinsight

4K Aligned & Unaligned IO Ratio

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI 4K Aligned & Unaligned IO Ratio.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
4K Aligned Read IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K aligned read IO ratio aligned4kReadRatio ioinsight
4K Aligned Write IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K aligned write IO ratio aligned4kWriteRatio ioinsight
4K Aligned IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K aligned IO ratio aligned4kRatio ioinsight
4K Unaligned Read IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K Unaligned read IO ratio unaligned4kReadRatio ioinsight
4K Unaligned Write IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K Unaligned write IO ratio unaligned4kWriteRatio ioinsight
4K Unaligned IO Virtual machine VSCSI 4K Unaligned IO ratio unaligned4kRatio ioinsight

IO Ratio

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI IO ratio.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
Read IO Virtual machine VSCSI read IO ratio readRatio ioinsight
Write IO Virtual machine VSCSI write IO ratio writeRatio ioinsight

IO Size Distribution

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI IO Size Distribution.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
<4KB Read/Write IO size less than 4K riosz0_4k/wiosz0_4k ioinsight-histogram
4KB Read/Write IO size equals 4K riosz4k/wiosz4k ioinsight-histogram
4KB - 8KB Read/Write IO size greater than 4K and less than 8K riosz4k_8k/wiosz4k_8k ioinsight-histogram
8KB Read/Write IO size equals 8K riosz8k/wiosz8k ioinsight-histogram
8KB - 16KB Read/Write IO size greater than 8K and less than 16K riosz8k_16k/wiosz8k_16k ioinsight-histogram
16KB Read/Write IO size equals 16K riosz16k/wiosz16k ioinsight-histogram
16KB - 32KB Read/Write IO size greater than 16K and less than 32K riosz16k_32k/wiosz16k_32k ioinsight-histogram
32KB Read/Write IO size equals 32K riosz32k/wiosz32k ioinsight-histogram
32KB - 64KB Read/Write IO size greater than 32K and less than 64K riosz32k_64k/wiosz32k_64k ioinsight-histogram
64KB Read/Write IO size equals 64K riosz64k/wiosz64k ioinsight-histogram
64KB - 128KB Read/Write IO size greater than 64K and less than 128K riosz64k_128k/wiosz64k_128k ioinsight-histogram
128KB Read/Write IO size equals 128K riosz128k/wiosz128k ioinsight-histogram
128KB - 256KB Read/Write IO size greater than 128 and less than 256K riosz128k_256k/wiosz128k_256k ioinsight-histogram
256KB Read/Write IO size equals 256K riosz256k/wiosz256k ioinsight-histogram
256KB - 512KB Read/Write IO size greater than 256K and less than 512K riosz256k_512k/wiosz256k_512k ioinsight-histogram
512KB Read/Write IO size equals 512K riosz512k/wiosz512k ioinsight-histogram
512KB - 1MB Read/Write IO size greater than 512K and less than 1M riosz512k_1m/wiosz512k_1m ioinsight-histogram
1MB Read/Write IO size equals 1M riosz1m/wiosz1m    ioinsight ioinsight-histogram
>1MB Read/Write IO size greater than 1M riosz1_m/wiosz1_m ioinsight-histogram

IO Latency Distribution

This graph shows virtual machine VSCSI IO Latency Distribution.
Metrics Metrics Description Metric ID in API Corresponding Entity Type
<1us Read/Write IO latency no more than 1 microsecond rlat0_1us/wlat0_1us ioinsight-histogram
1us - 10us Read/Write IO latency greater than 1 and no more than 10 microsecond rlat1_10us/wlat1_10us ioinsight-histogram
10us - 100us Read/Write IO latency greater than 10 and no more than 100 microsecond rlat10_100us/wlat10_100us ioinsight-histogram
100us - 500us Read/Write IO latency greater than 100 and no more than 500 microsecond rlat100_500us/wlat100_500us ioinsight-histogram
500us - 1ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 500 microsecond and no more than 1 millisecond rlat500us_1ms/wlat500us_1ms ioinsight-histogram
1ms - 5ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 1 and no more than 5 millisecond rlat1_5ms/wlat1_5ms ioinsight-histogram
5ms - 10ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 5 and no more than 10 millisecond rlat5_10ms/wlat5_10ms ioinsight-histogram
10ms - 25ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 10 and no more than 25 millisecond rlat10_25ms/wlat10_25ms ioinsight-histogram
25ms - 50ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 25 and no more than 50 millisecond rlat25_50ms/wlat25_50ms ioinsight-histogram
50ms - 100ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 50 and no more than 100 millisecond rlat50_100ms/wlat50_100ms ioinsight-histogram
>100ms Read/Write IO latency greater than 100 millisecond rlat100_ms/wlat100_ms ioinsight-histogram



Additional Information

Fore more information on vSAN congestion metrics, see Understanding Congestion in vSAN (2150260).

Understanding Congestion in vSAN