Druva Phoenix support to backup and restore virtual machines hosted on vSAN datastore
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Druva Phoenix support to backup and restore virtual machines hosted on vSAN datastore


Article ID: 326886


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VMware vSAN


This article provides information about Druva Phoenix.

Disclaimer:​ The partner solution referenced in this article is a solution that is developed and supported by a partner. Use of this product is also governed by the end user license agreement of the partner. You must obtain from the partner the application, support, and licensing for using this product. For more information, see Druva Support.


VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 6.5.x
VMware vSAN 6.6.x


Use Cases

To backup and restore virtual machines residing on a vSAN datastore.

To perform file level restores to virtual machines residing on a vSAN datastore.

Solution Architecture

Phoenix includes Phoenix Cloud and Phoenix backup proxy. Phoenix Cloud is the server component hosted on AWS, and is managed by Druva, while the Phoenix backup proxy is the client component that you need to deploy on the hypervisor which hosts virtual machines that you want to backup. Phoenix backup proxy communicates with Phoenix Cloud to initiate scheduled backups and restores. Phoenix Cloud acknowledges the requests and assigns the request to a storage within the cloud.

Solution Components

Phoenix solution includes the following components to successfully execute the backup and restore activities.

Phoenix Cloud

The server side Phoenix component hosted on AWS. Phoenix Cloud comprises the following components:

  • ​Phoenix Master: Amazon EC2 instances that authorize outgoing and incoming requests to and from the backup proxy. It also authorizes administrator logins through the Phoenix Management Console.
  • Customer Configuration: The RDS that stores customer settings such as backup schedule, retention settings, and auto-configuration rules.
  • Storage: The elastic, on-demand S3 storage that stores data backed up from different servers at a dedicated location on the cloud. A single Phoenix setup can be associated with multiple instances of storage. You can purchase multiple instances of storage using credits depending on your data needs and location preferences. Also stores DynamoDB managed metadata.
  • Phoenix Management Console: A Web-based, unified console for monitoring the servers you manage, irrespective of the location of the servers. Using this management console, Phoenix administrators can register and configure servers for backup, define backup policy and retention policy, and monitor backup and recovery jobs, activities, and reports.

Phoenix backup proxy

The client side component of Phoenix. The Phoenix backup proxy is a virtual machine that you deploy in your VMware setup to backup and restore virtual machines. The Backup proxy is the client side component that:

  • Detects virtual machines on the VMware setup
  • Creates virtual machine snapshots for backup
  • Executes backup and restore jobs

Phoenix CloudCache (optional)

Phoenix CloudCache is an optional component hosted on a dedicated server that locally stores up to 30 days of backup data from Phoenix agents, and periodically synchronizes this data to Phoenix Cloud.

Phoenix CloudCache is deployed within the perimeters of remote office locations or data centers. This ensures that Phoenix agents can locally connect to Phoenix CloudCache, thus accelerating backups and restores of local data. Moreover, administrators can schedule synchronization operations from Phoenix CloudCache to Phoenix Cloud during off-peak hours, thus ensuring an optimized utilization of WAN bandwidth.

To get started with Phoenix, see Phoenix documentation.

For detailed VMware specific documentation, see Backup and Restore VMware Virtual Machines.

For Druva Phoenix system requirements, see
System Requirements.

For steps on how to deploy Phoenix backup proxy to backup and restore virtual machines in your environment, see:

For more information on Phoenix CloudCache, see Phoenix CloudCache.

Support Information