All vSAN objects are reporting as healthy
show 0Mb
in size
VMs fail to power on with the error "Unable to enumerate all disks"
You see the below messages in the vmware.log:
2021-04-23T13:19:51.145Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-VSANOBJ:Failed to resolve the path name /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############/<vmname>.vmdk
2021-04-23T13:19:51.145Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-VSANOBJ:Failed to resolve the path name /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############/<vmname>.vmdk
2021-04-23T13:19:51.145Z| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-VSANOBJ:Failed to resolve the path name /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############/<vmname>.vmdk
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
VMware vSAN 7.x
VMware vSAN 8.x
The vmdk
backing object contains a different vSAN datastore UUID in the description path. In vSAN, all objects have extended attributes embedded in the object metadata. One of the extended attributes is the path to the object's descriptor file.
These extended attributes (including descriptor path) are validated when the VMDK is opened. If the extended attribute path embedded in the object metadata does not match the actual path to the descriptor file, VMDK initialization will fail and the virtual machine will fail to power on with error "Unable to enumerate all disks" message.
Read the VMDK descriptor file:
cat <vmname>
.vmdk | grep RW
[root@Host:/vmfs/volumes/vsan:521a060e917bb08e-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############] cat <vmname>
.vmdk | grep RW
RW 125829120 VMFS "vsan://09c39b5c-eeb3-4b65-9737-############"
List out the path information for the vSAN object:
localcli vsan debug object list -u 09c39b5c-eeb3-4b65-9737-############# | grep Path:
[root@Host:/vmfs/volumes/vsan:521a060e917bb08e-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############] localcli vsan debug object list -u 09c39b5c-eeb3-4b65-9737-############ | grep Path:
Path: /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/07c39b5c-50da-2693-29fd-############/<vmname>
.vmdk (Missing)
[root@Host:/vmfs/volumes/vsan:521a060e917bb08e-################] localcli vsan debug object list|grep -A1 (Missing)|less
with "> /tmp/<filename>.txt"
/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/VM1 (Missing)
Group UUID: 24e99b5c-6839-451e-357d-############
/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/5dc79b5c-de3d-f7b7-8714-############/TEST.vmdk (Missing)
/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52e929264dfd46ad-################/VM2 (Missing)
Group UUID: 97c69xxx-xxxx-xxxx-c7da-############