Configuring resync throttle on a vSAN cluster via PowerCLI
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Configuring resync throttle on a vSAN cluster via PowerCLI


Article ID: 326830


Updated On:


VMware vSAN


This KB article provides a PowerCLI script to unconfigure resync throttling by setting the value to 0.

If you had resync throttle configured before upgrading to a version in which it has been removed, the setting is still configured, but there's no option in the GUI anymore to unconfigure it and the warning "Resync throttling is turned on. Reprotection of non-compliant VMs might be delayed." is displayed under "Resyncing Objects".



VMware vSAN 6.7.x
VMware vSAN 7.0.x


Note: For version 7.0 and later make sure that you're on at least PowerCLI version 12.2, otherwise the script can't get the cluster MoRef. As a workaround, the cluster MoID can be specified manually via parameter "-moid" as well. You can use the PowerCLI cmdlet "Get-PowerCLIVersion" to get the currently used PowerCLI version.

To configure the resync throttle value via VMware PowerCLI use the following steps:

1) Download the PowerCLI script attached to this KB article and unzip it.

2) Open a PowerShell window and connect to the vCenter:

Connect-VIServer <vCenter-FQDN>

3) Navigate to the location where you unzipped the downlaoded PowerCLI script and execute it:

.\configure-resync-throttle.ps1 -cluster "TestCluster" -value 0


configure-resync-throttle get_app