Note: For version 7.0 and later make sure that you're on at least PowerCLI version 12.2, otherwise the script can't get the cluster MoRef. As a workaround, the cluster MoID can be specified manually via parameter "-moid" as well. You can use the PowerCLI cmdlet "Get-PowerCLIVersion" to get the currently used PowerCLI version.
To configure the resync throttle value via
VMware PowerCLI use the following steps:
1) Download the PowerCLI script attached to this KB article and unzip it.
2) Open a PowerShell window and connect to the vCenter:
Connect-VIServer <vCenter-FQDN>3) Navigate to the location where you unzipped the downlaoded PowerCLI script and execute it:
.\configure-resync-throttle.ps1 -cluster "TestCluster" -value 0