vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 2.
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vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 2.


Article ID: 326812


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VMware vSAN


This article explains vSAN Performance Graphs, available in vSAN (formerly known as Virtual SAN) 7.0 U1 and later.

For other graphs in vSAN 6.2 and later, see: 
vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 1
For RDT network graphs in vSAN 8.0 U1 and later, see: vSAN Performance Graphs in the vSphere Web Client Part 3


VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 8.0.x


To get vSAN performance graphs/charts, first, you need to enable the vSAN performance service.

You can view performance changes from different levels of entities (clusters, hosts, disk groups, physical disks, virtual machines, and virtual disks) and different standpoints (Virtual Machine consumption, vSAN backend).

There are multiple graphs you can monitor to understand vSAN performance. Here are the details of all available vSAN performance graphs.

* denotes vSAN 7.0 U1 and later only.
** denotes vSAN ESA only.

Remote VM Performance*:

Note: These Remote VM graphs are available in vSAN 7.0 U1 and later

Remote VM graphs*:

These graphs show metrics about clusters from the perspective of remote vSAN VM consumption.

Note: the Entiry Type computeCluster-remotedomclient is for vSAN Compute Only Cluster supported in vSAN 7.0 U2 and later


This graph shows IOPS consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read IOPSRead IOPS consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusteriopsReadcluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient
Write IOPSWrite IOPS consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusteriopsWritecluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient


This graph shows throughput consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read ThroughputRead Throughput consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusterthroughputReadcluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient
Write ThroughputWrite Throughput consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusterthroughputWritecluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient


This graph shows average latency of IOs generated by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read ThroughputRead Throughput consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusterthroughputReadcluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient
Write ThroughputWrite Throughput consumed by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusterthroughputWritecluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient


This graph shows congestions of IOs generated by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
CongestionsCongestions of IOs generated by all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clustercongestioncluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient

Outstanding IO:

This graph shows outstanding IO from all remote vSAN clients against the selected server cluster, such as virtual machines, stats object, etc.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Outstanding IOOutstanding IO from all remote vSAN clients against the selected server clusteroiocluster-remotedomclient or computeCluster-remotedomclient

Host Performance

vSAN Backend Cache graphs**

These graphs show metrics about the vSAN layer metrics of vSAN Backend Cache.

Overall Backend Cache

This graph shows vSAN backend cache stats.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Overall Backend Cache Miss Per SecondOverall backend missed pages per second.rateTotalCacheMisszdom-vtx
Overall Cache Hit Per SecondOverall hit pages per second.rateTotalCacheRefzdom-vtx

vSAN Backend Cache Miss Per Second By Cache Type

This graph shows vSAN backend cache miss per second by cache type.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Total Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondTotal logical tree missed pages per second.rateTotalLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Total Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondTotal middle tree missed pages per second.rateTotalMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Total Snap Tree Cache Miss Per SecondTotal snap tree missed pages per second.rateTotalSnapTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Total Bitmap Cache Miss Per SecondTotal bitmap missed pages per second.rateTotalBitmapCacheMisszdom-vtx
Total SUT Miss Per SecondTotal segment usage table missed pages per second.rateTotalSutCacheMisszdom-vtx

Bank Prefetch Transaction Cache Miss Per Second

This graph shows bank prefetch transaction cache miss per second.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Bank Prefetch Overall Cache Miss Per SecondOverall missed pages per second in bank prefetch transaction.rateTxnPrefetchTotalCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Prefetch Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondLogical tree missed pages per second in bank prefetch transaction.rateTxnPrefetchLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Prefetch Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondMiddle tree missed pages per second in bank prefetch transaction.rateTxnPrefetchMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Prefetch SUT Cache Miss Per SecondSegment usage table missed pages per second in bank prefetch transaction.rateTxnPrefetchSutCacheMisszdom-vtx

Bank Flush Transaction Cache Miss Per Second

This graph shows bank flush transaction cache miss per second.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Bank Flush Overall Cache Miss Per SecondOverall missed pages per second in bank flush transaction.rateTxnBankTotalCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Flush Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondLogical tree missed pages per second in bank flush transaction.rateTxnBankLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Flush Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondMiddle tree missed pages per second in bank flush transactionrateTxnBankMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Bank Flush SUT Cache Miss Per SecondSegment usage table missed pages per second in bank flush transaction.rateTxnBankSutCacheMisszdom-vtx

Unmap Transaction Cache Miss Per Second

This graph shows unmap transaction cache miss per second.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Unmap Overall Cache Miss Per SecondOverall missed pages per second in unmap transaction.rateTxnUnmapTotalCacheMisszdom-vtx
Unmap Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondLogical tree missed pages per second in unmap transaction.rateTxnUnmapLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Unmap Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondMiddle tree missed pages per second in unmap transaction.rateTxnUnmapMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Unmap SUT Cache Miss Per SecondSegment usage table missed pages per second in unmap transaction.rateTxnUnmapSutCacheMisszdom-vtx

Segment Cleaning Data Transaction Cache Miss Per Second

This graph shows segment cleaning data transaction cache miss per second.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Segment Cleaning Data Overall Cache Miss Per SecondOverall missed pages per second in Segment cleaning data transaction.rateTxnSegCleaningCtxDataTotalCacheMisszdom-vtx
Segment Cleaning Data Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondLogical tree missed pages per second in Segment cleaning data transaction.rateTxnSegCleaningCtxDataLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Segment Cleaning Data Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondMiddle tree missed pages per second in Segment cleaning data transaction.rateTxnSegCleaningCtxDataMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Segment Cleaning Data SUT Cache Miss Per SecondSegment usage table missed pages per second in Segment cleaning data transaction.rateTxnSegCleaningCtxDataSutCacheMisszdom-vtx

Segment Cleaning Data Transaction Cache Miss Per Second

This graph shows segment cleaning data transaction cache miss per second.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Lookup Overall Cache Miss Per SecondOverall missed pages per second in lookup transaction.rateTxnLookupCacheMisszdom-vtx
Lookup Logical Tree Cache Miss Per SecondLogical tree missed pages per second in lookup transaction.rateTxnLookupLogicalTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx
Lookup Middle Tree Cache Miss Per SecondMiddle tree missed pages per second in lookup transaction.rateTxnLookupMiddleTreeCacheMisszdom-vtx

Overall Backend Cache Latency

This graph shows overall backend cache latency.
MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Cache Hit IO LatencyCache hit IO latency.latAvgCacheGetzdom-vtx
Cache Miss IO LatencyCache miss IO latency.latAvgTotalOpIOzdom-vtx
Bank Flush Transaction Cache Latency

This graph shows bank flush transaction cache latency.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Bank Flush Cache Hit IO LatencyBank flush cache hit IO latency.latAvgTxnBankzdom-vtx
Bank Flush Cache Miss IO LatencyBank flush cache miss IO latency.latAvgTxnBankTotalIOzdom-vtx

Unmap Transaction Cache Latency

This graph shows unmap transaction cache latency.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Unmap Cache Hit IO LatencyUnmap cache hit IO latency.latAvgTxnUnmapzdom-vtx
Unmap Cache Miss IO LatencyUnmap cache miss IO latency.latAvgTxnUnmapTotalIOzdom-vtx

Cache Miss Per Transaction

This graph shows cache miss per transaction by transaction type.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Cache Miss Per Bank PrefetchCache miss per bank prefetch transaction.cacheMissPerPrefetchTxnzdom-vtx
Cache Miss Per Segment Cleaning DataCache miss per segment cleaning data transaction.cacheMissPerSegCleaningCtxDataTxnzdom-vtx
Cache Miss Per LookupCache miss per lookup transaction.cacheMissPerLookupTxnzdom-vtx

vSAN ESA Disk Layer graphs**

These graphs show metrics about the vSAN layer metrics of vSAN Express Storage Architecture disk.


This graph shows the IOPS of vSAN ESA Disk Layer.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read IOPS CapacityvSAN layer read IOPS capacity of vSAN Express Storage Architecture diskiopsReadCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer
Write IOPS CapacityvSAN Layer Write IOPS capacity of vSAN Express Storage Architecture DiskiopsWriteCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer

This graph shows the throughput of vSAN ESA Disk Layer.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read ThroughputvSAN layer read throughput of vSAN Express Storage Architecture disktputReadCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer
Write ThroughputvSAN layer write throughput of vSAN Express Storage Architecture disktputWriteCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer


This graph shows the average latency of IOs generated by vSAN ESA Disk Layer.

MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
Read IOPSvSAN layer average read latency of vSAN Express Storage Architecture diskavgLatReadCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer
Write LatencyvSAN layer average write latency of vSAN Express Storage Architecture diskavgLatWriteCapacityvsan-esa-disk-layer

    Additional Information

    vSAN ESA Disk Physical/Firmware Layer graphs**

    These graphs show metrics about the Physical/Firmware Layer Metrics of vSAN Express Storage Architecture disk.


    This graph shows IOPS consumed by vSAN ESA Disk Physical/Firmware Layer.

    MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
    Read IOPSvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer read IOPSiopsDevReadvsan-esa-disk-scsifw
    Write IOPSvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer write IOPS.iopsDevWritevsan-esa-disk-scsifw


    This graph shows the throughput consumed by vSAN ESA Disk Physical/Firmware Layer.

    MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
    Read ThroughputvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer read throughputthroughputDevReadvsan-esa-disk-scsifw
    Write ThroughputvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer write throughputthroughputDevWritevsan-esa-disk-scsifw


    This graph shows the average latency of IOs generated by vSAN ESA Disk Physical/Firmware Layer.

    MetricsMetrics DescriptionMetric ID in APICorresponding Entity Type
    Read LatencyvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer read latencylatencyDevReadvsan-esa-disk-scsifw
    Write LatencyvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer write latencylatencyDevWritevsan-esa-disk-scsifw
    Guest Average LatencyvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer guest average IO latency (total latency)latencyDevGAvgvsan-esa-disk-scsifw
    Device Average LatencyvSAN Express Storage Architecture disk physical/firmware layer device average IO latency (from HBA to backend storage)latencyDevDAvgvsan-esa-disk-layer