Patch up to fixed release as soon as possible.
Fixed releases:
- vSAN 6.7 P06+
- vSAN 7.0 U3c+
Run the following command on each host in the cluster:
/etc/init.d/epd stop; rm -rf /scratch/epd-store*.lock; python -c "import sqlite3; conn = sqlite3.connect('/scratch/epd-storeV2.db'); conn.execute('DELETE FROM cmmds_entries;'); conn.commit()"
This does the following:
- Stops EPD service on all hosts
- Delete epd-storeV2.db on all hosts
Note: DO NOT START EPD until host is patched up to a fixed buildWorkaround will prevent further harm while hosts are patched up, but
cannot be used for more than 24hrsOnce above command has been run,
immediately patch hosts