"vSAN Build Recommendation Engine Health" vSAN Health warning triggered after upgrading to vSAN 7.0 Update 2
Article ID: 326705
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VMware vSAN
This article provides workaround regarding a warning alert on "vSAN Build Recommendation Engine Health".
vSAN Health triggers a warning in the UI.
vSAN Build Recommendation Engine Health
In the vmware-vsan-health-service.log, you see error message similar to:
2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z ERROR vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanHttpRequestWrapper::urlopen opID=noOpId] Exception while sending request : Cannot resolve localhost or Internet websites. 2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z WARNING vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumCoreUtil::CheckVumServiceStatus opID=noOpId] Failed to connect VUM service: Cannot resolve localhost or Internet websites. 2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z INFO vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumIntegration::VumStatusCallback opID=noOpId] VUM is not installed or not responsive 2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z INFO vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumSystemUtil::HasConfigIssue opID=noOpId] Config issue health.test.vum.vumDisabled exists on entity None
vSAN release catalog can not be uploaded when clicked on "UPDATE FROM FILE" link due to missing "vSAN release catalog up-to-date"
VMware vSAN 7.0.x
This issue is caused when VMware vSAN 7.0 U2 and vCenter Server can not resolve vcsa.vmware.com to IP address.
This is a known issue affecting vCenter 7.0 U2. The issue has been addressed in vCenter 7.0 U3 and higher.