Object health issue 'Reduced availability with no rebuild'
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Object health issue 'Reduced availability with no rebuild'


Article ID: 326645


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VMware vSAN


The current issue is consistently reproduced, customers will encounter the same issue after converting regular vSAN cluster into stretched cluster.


vCenter/ESXi versions are 7.x and below 7.0U3c
After the regular vSAN cluster is converted into the stretched cluster, the health for some objects is red with the issue 'Reduced availability with no rebuild' on VC UI.


VMware vSAN 7.0.x


CLOM currently has a bug when while converting a concat at the top config to a concat in the middle. During this conversion, some components may not go in its correct upper fault domain. Due to this reason each upper fault domain of the config independently does not have a data availability. DOM keeps rejecting such a config that CLOM generates, due to which we encounter this issue.


This issue is resolved in VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 3c (build number 19193900).

  1. Convert the stretched cluster with object health issue back to regular vSAN cluster, object health should become green.
  2. Before converting the regular vSAN cluster to stretched cluster, for the hosts which will be placed on the secondary site, have each of them enter maintenance with evacuateAllData mode one by one and then have them exit maintenance one by one.
  3. Convert the regular vSAN cluster into stretched cluster again, place the hosts which have done entering/exiting maintenance mode on the secondary site.
  4. The health for some objects probably is still shown red with the issue 'Reduced availability with no rebuild'. After triggering "REPAIR OBJECTS IMMEDIATELY" a couple of times, object health will be all green.