Upgrade vCenter to 7.0U3d or higher
If an upgrade is not possible at this time then apply the following workaround:
1. Create a backup of extension.xml.installer with the following command:
cp /etc/vmware-eam/firstboot/extension/extension.xml.installer /etc/vmware-eam/firstboot/extension/extension.xml.installer.bak2. Edit extension.xml.installer
vi /etc/vmware-eam/firstboot/extension/extension.xml.installer3. Replace @HOST@ in EAM health URL and EAM SDK URL with *.
Currently, it looks like this
<!-- TODO: here and bellow make service ports configurable -->
<description>vSphere ESX Agent Manager</description>
<company>VMware, Inc.</company>
[email protected]</adminEmail>
It should be
<!-- TODO: here and bellow make service ports configurable -->
<description>vSphere ESX Agent Manager</description>
<company>VMware, Inc.</company>
[email protected]</adminEmail>
3. Save the file by hitting Esc followed by :wq!
4. Create file runtime.modification in /etc/vmware-eam/ with the following command:
vi /etc/vmware-eam/runtime.modification5. Copy PATCH_EXTENSION and paste it into the file created in step 4.
6. Save the file by hitting Esc followed by :wq!
7. Execute service-control --restart eam in order to restart EAM.
8. If the file runtime.modification is not removed in 5 minutes after the restart, you have to remove it with the following command
rm /etc/vmware-eam/runtime.modification.
Note: It is very important that this file is removed.