This issue is resolved in ESXi 6.7 GA, available at
VMware Downloads.
To work around this issue when you do not want to upgrade:
- Determine if you have a residual vSAN network adapter:
# localcli vsan network list
Example output shows vmk4 is our vSAN vmkernel adapter for this host:
VmkNic Name: vmk4
IP Protocol: IP
Interface UUID: 1dd11858-d4e1-f88d-ca19-90b11c441064
Agent Group Multicast Address:
Agent Group IPv6 Multicast Address: ff19::2:3:4
Agent Group Multicast Port: 23451
Master Group Multicast Address:
Master Group IPv6 Multicast Address: ff19::1:2:3
Master Group Multicast Port: 12345
Host Unicast Channel Bound Port: 12321
Multicast TTL: 5
Traffic Type: vsan
- Remove the vSAN network interface
Note: Perform only if you are sure that vSAN is not used in the cluster and if there are no plans in using it.
# localcli vsan network remove -i vmk4
Note: After removing the unnecessary vmkernel adapter with vSAN-tag set, the vsanmgmt service should stop on its own after a few minutes.