This KB is written to provide information around this issue, and to provide workaround steps and solution.
The vSAN Network Latency Test in Skyline Health reports a Yellow status for the latency check on the cluster leader node.
This can be seen in the UI by going to Skyline Health > Network Latency Check > Failed (Yellow).
For the following log messages your details will be different:
In the logs on vCenter you can see the following in the vmware-vsan-health-summary-result.log:
Test siteconnectivity health : yellow
SiteLatency: FaultDomain FaultDomain ObservedLatency(Ms) Threshold(Ms) LatencyResult
(WitnessHost, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, 12.84, 200, Green), (WitnessHost, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, 0.37, 200, Green), (Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, 14.30, 5, Yellow),
NetworkLatencyAmongHosts: FromHost SourceDomain ToHost DestinationDomain NetworkLatency(Ms) Threshold(Ms) NetworkLatencyCheckResult
(Host-2495, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2116, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, 0.23, 5, Green), (Host-2495, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2128, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, 0.21, 5, Green),
(Host-2124, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2398, WitnessHost, 0.50, 200, Green), (Host-2124, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2479, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, 0.20, 5, Green),
(Host-2132, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2487, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, 14.30, 5, Yellow), (Host-2132, Vcf-W1C1_Primary-Az-Faultdomain, Host-2471, Vcf-W1C1_Secondary-Az-Faultdomain, 0.61, 5, Green),
Test siteconnectivity health : yellow
SiteLatency: FaultDomain FaultDomain ObservedLatency(Ms) Threshold(Ms) LatencyResult
(Dc-K, Dc-S, 22.05, 5, Yellow)
During manual ping testing to the host listed in the logs no latency is apparaent.