"tanzu mc upgrade" failed with below error message
kapp: Error: waiting on reconcile packageinstall/tanzu-addons-manager (packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1) namespace: tkg-system: Finished unsuccessfully (Reconcile failed: (message: Expected to find at least one version, but did not (details: all=1 -> after-prereleases-filter=1 -> after-kapp-controller-version-check=1 -> after-constraints-filter=0))), retrying
tkg-pkg would have been in paused state.
When the tkg-pkg is paused, tanzu-framework and tanzu-addons-manager don't correctly update their information.
Unpause tkg-pkg to reconcile the definition of tanzu-addons-manager.
Unpause "tkg-pkg" # kubectl patch pkgi -n tkg-system tkg-pkg -p '{"spec":{"paused":false}}' --type=merge -> tanzu-framework will be reconciled -> tanzu-addons-manager will be reconciled Check # kubectl -n tkg-system get pkgi -> tanzu-framework will be "Reconcile succeeded" -> tanzu-addons-manager will be "Reconcile succeeded" If above is no problem, go with upgrade # tanzu mc upgrade $MC_NAME -v9
Apply KB if tkr-source-controller pod hits OOM after the upgrade.