How to update the default public/private key for embedded Harbor registry on Supervisor
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How to update the default public/private key for embedded Harbor registry on Supervisor


Article ID: 326385


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere with Tanzu


This KB documents a workaround for the Harbor insecure default configuration issue present in vSphere. This issue is relevant if you have enabled the embedded Harbor registry on Supervisor on vCenter Server 7.0 before version 7.0 U3l or on vCenter Server 8.0 before version 8.0.0c. Details on the Harbor insecure default configuration issue may be found in the VMware blog post “Embedded vSphere Harbor default installation results in an insecure configuration ”.

You can follow steps  1- 2 below (workaround section) to check if your harbor registry is affected by this security configuration issue 
You are not affected if you've installed the Harbor supervisor service that's available from vSphere 8.0.0.a release


VMware vSphere 7.0 with Tanzu
VMware vSphere 8.0 with Tanzu


VMware advises customers to review the issue and:
  • Deploy vCenter Server 7.0 U3l or vCenter Server which address the issue for affected, enabled embedded Harbor registries
  • Follow the workaround documented below.  
Notes on the workaround:
- The workaround won't persist after a patched Supervisor cluster is upgraded to a newer cluster version. And you will need to re-apply the workaround in this case.
- If you have multiple supervisors and enabled more than one embedded Harbor registry, the workaround must be applied for each. 


The following workaround steps will replace the default key by a key generated by you. Steps #1 - #9 are manual steps. For step 9, a script is available and attached (see the end of step #9).

  1. Log onto the Supervisor cluster as root user. To do that ssh to the vCenter and execute the following commands:

    root@sc1-10-168-193-150 [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/vmware-wcp/
    Read key from file
    Connected to PSQL
    Cluster: domain-c9:47295692-e9f1-4ab5-a4ab-ffb9eb9a48d7
    PWD: kl4=J#BF4!{cc}9?
    root@sc1-10-168-193-150 [ ~ ]# ssh root@
    Welcome to Supervisor on vSphere Zones!
    Last login: Tue Feb 28 02:16:28 2023 from
     20:58:15 up 3 days, 20:58,  0 users,  load average: 2.292.512.54
    root@422f7328bad0c503d4afd599e3b635a5 [ ~ ]#
  2. Check the "private_key.pem" file inside the harbor core pod on the Supervisor cluster. First, find the harbor namespace which begins with "vmware-system-registry-" and ends with a sequence of digits. Next, find the harbor core pod inside the namespace and print the content inside private_key.pem. If the content is identical to tls.key, the embedded harbor is affected by the security issue. Otherwise, it is not. 

    # harbor_ns=`kubectl get ns | grep vmware-system-registry- | awk '{print $1}'`
    # echo $harbor_ns
    # harbor_core_pod=`kubectl get po -n $harbor_ns | grep harbor-core | awk '{print $1}'`
    # echo $harbor_core_pod
    # kubectl exec $harbor_core_pod -n $harbor_ns -- cat  /etc/core/private_key.pem
    # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  3.  If you want to use your own tls key and cert pair, you can convert the tls.key to an RSA key and copy them to the Supervisor. Make sure that tls.rsa begins with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" because some old openssl version might work differently. 

    $ openssl version
    LibreSSL 2.8.3
    $ openssl rsa -in tls.key -out tls.rsa
    writing RSA key
    $ head -1 tls.rsa
    $ scp  tls.rsa tls.crt root@
    $ ssh root@
    root@422f7328bad0c503d4afd599e3b635a5 [ ~ ]# ls
    tls.crt  tls.rsa


    Alternatively,  you can generate a self-signed tls.crt and tls.key pair directly on the supervisor and then convert the tls.key to an RSA key. Verify that tls.rsa begins with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----".  Note, the default openssl package on photon 3 is old and doesn't give the RSA key in the expected format, thus we are using nxtgn-openssl instead. 

    # tdnf install nxtgn-openssl
    nxtgn-openssl                                                   x86_64                          1.1.1o-4.ph3                               photon-updates                          4.17M 4377562
    Total installed size:   4.17M 4377562
    Is this ok [y/N]: y
    # nxtgn-openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out tls.crt -keyout tls.key
    ...... ( enter all the required fields)
    # ls
    tls.crt  tls.key
    # nxtgn-openssl rsa -in tls.key -out tls.rsa
    writing RSA key
    # ls
    tls.crt  tls.key  tls.rsa
    # head -1 tls.rsa 
  4.  Create a secret with the above files inside the harbor namespace 

    # harbor_ns=`kubectl get ns | grep vmware-system-registry- | awk '{print $1}'`
    # echo $harbor_ns
    # kubectl create secret tls harbor-core-secret --key="tls.rsa" --cert="tls.crt" -n $harbor_ns
    secret/harbor-core-secret created
  5. To upgrade the harbor, we also need to have the "patch" privilege for harbor Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs).  To do that, you need to edit the clusterrole:

    # kubectl edit clusterrole  vmware-registry-manager-clusterrole

    Type "i" for insertion, and add a list item "- patch" under the resources persistentvolumeclaims. Type "ESC" + ":wq" to save the change. 

    - apiGroups:
      - persistentvolumeclaims
      - get
      - list
      - create
      - watch
      - patch  <== add this line
  6. Upgrade the harbor instance with the new secret. We need to run the "helm upgrade" command from the vmware-registry-controller-manager pod. To do that we first need to find out the registry-controller pod name and installed harbor name. 

    # registry_pod=`kubectl get po -n vmware-system-registry -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`
    # echo $registry_pod
    # installed_harbor=`kubectl exec $registry_pod  -n vmware-system-registry -it -c admin-agent -- /usr/local/helm3/linux-amd64/helm list | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}'`
    # echo $installed_harbor

    Run the "helm upgrade" command from the registry-controller pod to upgrade the harbor with the newly created secret. 

    # kubectl exec $registry_pod -n vmware-system-registry -it -c admin-agent -- /usr/local/helm3/linux-amd64/helm upgrade $installed_harbor  /usr/local/harbor-helm/ --set core.secretName=harbor-core-secret --reuse-values
    Release "harbor-975528592" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: harbor-975528592
  7. Check the Replicaset in the harbor namespace. We can see there are duplicate replicasets and the old ones don't get deleted. (reference: We need to manually delete the 3 duplicate replicasets. Make sure you replace the replicasets's names in the command and delete the old ones with larger ages. 

    # kubectl get  replicaset -n $harbor_ns
    NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    harbor-975528592-harbor-core-6b87549fd5         1         1         1       2m22s
    harbor-975528592-harbor-core-6d484d56f6         0         0         0       20h    <=== delete this one
    harbor-975528592-harbor-jobservice-754cf97498   1         1         0       2m22s
    harbor-975528592-harbor-jobservice-cd8dfb687    1         1         1       20h    <=== delete this one
    harbor-975528592-harbor-nginx-795dc6b5bf        1         1         1       20h
    harbor-975528592-harbor-portal-6d6bf8b6d8       1         1         1       20h
    harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-64b6f454f9     1         1         1       20h    <=== delete this one
    harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-994c54776      1         1         0       2m21s
    # kubectl delete replicaset harbor-975528592-harbor-core-6d484d56f6 harbor-975528592-harbor-jobservice-cd8dfb687 harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-64b6f454f9 -n $harbor_ns
    replicaset.apps "harbor-975528592-harbor-core-6d484d56f6" deleted
    replicaset.apps "harbor-975528592-harbor-jobservice-cd8dfb687" deleted
    replicaset.apps "harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-64b6f454f9" deleted
  8. If any pod in the harbor namespace is stuck at "pending stage", you may delete it to force a re-creation. After that, all the replicasets inside the harbor namespace should be ready and the harbor status should be "healthy" 

    # kubectl get po -n $harbor_ns  | grep Pending
    harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-994c54776-l4nsr      0/2     Pending          0          9m5s
    # kubectl delete po harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-994c54776-l4nsr -n $harbor_ns  
    pod "harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-994c54776-l4nsr" deleted
    # kubectl get  replicaset -n $harbor_ns
    NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    harbor-975528592-harbor-core-6b87549fd5         1         1         1       14m
    harbor-975528592-harbor-jobservice-754cf97498   1         1         1       14m
    harbor-975528592-harbor-nginx-795dc6b5bf        1         1         1       20h
    harbor-975528592-harbor-portal-6d6bf8b6d8       1         1         1       20h
    harbor-975528592-harbor-registry-994c54776      1         1         1       14m
    # kubectl describe registry -A | grep -A 1 'Health Status'
      Health Status:
        Status:   healthy
  9.  As a part of vRegistry's integration, there are pull and push robot accounts created for each user namespace, which are used by Supervisor pod deployment as well as guest clusters.  Those robot accounts are generated using the public/private key pair and need to be re-generated once the key pair has been changed.  To force refresh the robot accounts, make the following edits on every project resource:  
    - remove entire lines of  "ImagePullSecretName" and "ImagePushSecretName"
    - modify "currentMode" from "running" to "starting"
    and type "ESC" + ":wq" to save the change. 

    # kubectl get projects -A
    NAMESPACE          NAME               AGE
    gc-sso-rbac-test   gc-sso-rbac-test   5d
    test-ns            test-ns            3d2h
    # kubectl edit project test-ns -n test-ns
      ImagePullSecretName: test-ns-default-image-pull-secret   <=== remove the entire line
      ImagePushSecretName: test-ns-default-image-push-secret   <=== remove the entire line
      currentMode: running                                     <=== modify to "starting"
      projectID: 4
      pullRobotAccountID: 14
      pushRobotAccountID: 15
      repoCount: 1

    Verify that new secrets have been created: 

    # kubectl get secret -n test-ns
    NAME                                TYPE                             DATA   AGE
    test-ns-default-image-pull-secret   1      18s
    test-ns-default-image-push-secret   1      18s

    Customers can execute the script that automates step#9 for all the projects from the Supervisor Control Plane VM.

    # chmod u+x
    # ./

    The output printed by the script will help to identify the projects for which the update failed. Even if the script fails to update the status for a certain project, it will continue processing the remaining projects. Customers can manually update the projects which were not updated by the script due to some failure.


update_harbor_projects get_app