IP addresses of Kubernetes load balancer deployed with static IP (loadBalancerIP) are not marked as allocated in NSX-T IP pools
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IP addresses of Kubernetes load balancer deployed with static IP (loadBalancerIP) are not marked as allocated in NSX-T IP pools


Article ID: 326338


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Kubernetes load balancers are deployed with static IP using the loadBalancerIP setting.
Example of yaml file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
  name: ingress-nginx
  namespace: ingress-nginx
  - name: http
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: http
  - name: https
    port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: https
    app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
  type: LoadBalancer
  • The IP address assigned to the load balancer is part of the namespace NSX-T IP pool and the IP is not marked as allocated in the NSX-T IP pool
  • NCP version in used at the time the load balancer is deployed is pre-NCP 2.5.1.


VMware NSX-T Data Center 2.x
VMware NSX-T Data Center


Pre-NCP 2.5.1, NCP did not track the allocation of static load balancer IP addresses. As a result, NCP may allocate the IP address to a different services causing IP conflicts.


This issue is resolved in NCP 2.5.1.
Note: if IP conflicts already exist (i.e. the load balancer IP as been associated for a different service pre-NCP 2.5.1) refer to the Workaround section below.

Upgrading to NCP 2.5.1 does not fix the issue if IP conflicts already exist (i.e. the load balancer IP as been associated for a different service pre-NCP 2.5.1).
As a workaround, manual operation is required to clear the IP conflicts and you need to either:

  • Release the IP from other services.
  • Change the load balancer IP (loadbalancerIP) to a free IP.

As a workaround, if upgrading to NCP 2.5.1 is not an option, you can manually allocate the load balancer IP addresses in the NSX-T IP pool to ensure they are not assigned for any other services:

1. Find the IP pool id using REST API:
GET /api/v1/pools/ip-pools
Example of output:
  "results" : [ {
    "pool_usage" : {
      "total_ids" : 248,
      "allocated_ids" : 1,
      "free_ids" : 247
    "subnets" : [ {
      "cidr" : "",
      "dns_nameservers" : [ ],
      "allocation_ranges" : [ {
        "start" : "",
        "end" : ""
      } ]
    } ],
    "resource_type" : "IpPool",
    "id" : "########-####-####-####-##########d5", <<---- IP Pool id
    "display_name" : "SI_Destination_IP_Pool",
    "description" : "ServiceInsertion_IP_Pool_for_NS_insertion_at_T0/T1",
    "_create_user" : "system",
    "_create_time" : 1579798571269,
    "_last_modified_user" : "system",
    "_last_modified_time" : 1579798571269,
    "_system_owned" : true,
    "_protection" : "NOT_PROTECTED",
    "_revision" : 0

2. Mark the IP address as allocated in the IP pool using REST API:
POST /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{IP_POOL_ID}?action=ALLOCATE

3. Verify the allocation using REST API:
GET /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{IP_POOL_ID}/allocations

Note: if you delete the Kubernetes load balancer, the manual allocations above would need to be manually deleted using the following REST API:
POST /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{IP_POOL_ID}?action=RELEASE