Received too large (1433299822 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 1024000 B
"Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds. If the problem repeats, try turning off 'Optimize connection buffer size
'"When using WinSCP, part of the operation occurs on the target system. The default Appliance Shell cannot be the remote partner of WinSCP.
By default, VCSA is set to Appliance Shell, but SCP requires Bash shell.
To resolve the issue, enable the Bash shell on the appliance:
SSH to the vCenter Server Appliance. (Provide the root username and password when prompted.)
# shell.set --enable True
2. Access the Bash shell:
# shell
3. In the Bash shell, change the default shell to Bash:
# chsh -s /bin/bash root
Note: If the following message appears indicating the root
password has expired:
You are required to change your password immediately (password expired / root enforced / administrator enforced)Changing password for root.
Current password:
New password:
Retype new password
To revert the changes, use the below command
# chsh -s /bin/appliancesh root