Configuring the network adapter and protocol for SCO Open Server 5.0
Article ID: 326256
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VMware vSphere ESXi
Because SCO Open Server 5.0 does notinclude suitable network drivers, you must install and use the Intel Pro/1000 network adapter driver.
VMware ESX 4.0.x VMware ESXi 4.0.x Installable
To configure the network adapter and protocol
Download the Intel PRO/1000 network adapter driver from the SCO Download Center.
Note: The preceding link was correct as of March 25, 2013. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.
Install the driver according to SCO instructions.
Run the OpenServer Network Configuration Manager. As root, either click Network Manager, or run the scoadmin network from the command line.
Select Hardware > New LAN Adapter.
Choose INTEL PRO/1000.
If the AMD PCnetâPCI choice is offered, reconfigure the virtual machine with E1000, not the Flexible network controller. The Open Server pnt driver is not supported as it operates the Flexible network controller with reduced performance and has not been fully tested.
Configure the network for a static address or DHCP.
Exit the Network Manager.
When prompted, allow it to relink the operating system kernel, boot the new kernel by default, and rebuild the kernel environment.
If you are using DHCP, add param_req:subnet_mask to the /etc/dhcpc.conf file, otherwise the Open Server 5 DHCP client might select the wrong netmask.
Reboot the virtual machine to activate the network.