vpxd fails to start and crashes due to "ODBC error: (22001) - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(30)"
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vpxd fails to start and crashes due to "ODBC error: (22001) - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(30)"


Article ID: 326183


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


This article was written for a specific issue. Please verify all of the symptoms before following the recommendations under "Workaround"

  • when attempting to restart vpxd, if fails and a core dump is written in /var/core
  • after vcsa reboot the services crashes as well
  • vpxd logs in /var/log/vmware/vpxd/ contain the following entries:
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbStatement] Execute result code: -1
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbStatement] SQL execution failed: insert into VPX_TABLE (TABLE_NAME, COL_NAME, COL_TYPE, COL_LEN, PK_FL
    G) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbStatement] Execution elapsed time: 20 ms
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbStatement] Statement diagnostic data from driver is 22001:0:1:ERROR: value too long for type character
    --> Error while executing the query
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [Vdb::IsRecoverableErrorCode] Unable to recover from 22001:1
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbStatement] SQLError was thrown: "ODBC error: (22001) - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(30);
    --> Error while executing the query" is returned when executing SQL statement "insert into VPX_TABLE (TABLE_NAME, COL_NAME, COL_TYPE, COL_LEN, PK_FLG) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    2021-09-27T09:22:56.103Z error vpxd[07163] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=DbParallelLoad-1c06dac8] [VdbSchemaLoader::StoreTableSchemaInfoToDB] Error inserting into VPX_TABLE for table VPX_NON_ORM_VM_CONFIG_INFO: "ODBC error: (22001) - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(30);
    --> Error while executing the query" is returned when executing SQL statement "insert into VPX_TABLE (TABLE_NAME, COL_NAME, COL_TYPE, COL_LEN, PK_FLG) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


This issue can occur due to incorrect entries in the vCenter database in the DVS port group configuration


  • connect to VCSA per SSH
  • change from the default appliance shell into the BASH shell by running:
    # shell
  • start psql:
    # /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres
  • run the following commands to identify the entries:
    with uopg as (select dvs_id, id, dvportgroup_name, dvportgroup_key, dvportgroup_type, uplink_portgroup_flg from VPX_DVPORTGROUP where uplink_portgroup_flg=1)
    select vds.dvs_id, vds.dvportgroup_id , vds.vlan_id, vds.vlan_object_flg from VPX_DVPORT_SETTING  vds 
    join uopg on (vds.dvs_id = uopg.dvs_id and vds.dvportgroup_id=uopg.id)
    order by 1,2;
  • any lines in the output with a value not NULL (or empty) for vlan_id or where vlan_object_flg is not 3 can cause the issue and should be changed. 
  • for example the second entry in the following output is wrong and needs to be changed:
     dvs_id | dvportgroup_id | vlan_id | vlan_object_flg
         28 |             29 |         |               3
     701937 |         701938 |    3333 |               1
  • note down the values in dvs_id and dvportgroup_id 
  • next, run the following command to identify further entries that need to be changed:
    with vlan as (select dvs_id,dvportgroup_id,runtimeinfo_flg,vlan_id_start,vlan_id_end, dvport_key from VPX_DVPORT_VLAN  where dvportgroup_id <> 0  order by 1,2)
    select vdvpg.dvs_id, vdvpg.id, dvportgroup_name,  vlan.runtimeinfo_flg,vlan.vlan_id_start,vlan.vlan_id_end, vlan.dvport_key from VPX_DVPORTGROUP  vdvpg
    left join vlan on (vlan.dvs_id=vdvpg.dvs_id and vlan.dvportgroup_id=vdvpg.id)
    where vdvpg.uplink_portgroup_flg=1;
  • Example for the output of this command:
     dvs_id |    id  |     dvportgroup_name      | runtimeinfo_flg | vlan_id_start | vlan_id_end | dvport_key
       2011 |   2012 | dswitch-DVUplinks-2011    |               0 |             0 |        4094 |
     701937 | 701938 | dswitch-DVUplinks-701937  |                 |               |             |
  • Any lines in this output with NULL (empty) values for runtimeinfo_flg and vlan_id_start as well as vlan_id_end should be corrected as well, therefore similar as before, note down the dvs_id and the id (which is the dvportgroup_id)
  • Using the values noted down before, run the following commands to fix the entry (replace <dvs_id> and <dvportgroup_id> with the correct values from above:
    # update vpx_dvport_setting set vlan_object_flg =3 where dvs_id=<dvs_id> and dvportgroup_id =<dvportgroup_id>;
    # update vpx_dvport_setting set vlan_id=NULL where dvs_id=<dvs_id> and dvportgroup_id =<dvportgroup_id>;
    # insert into vpx_dvport_vlan (dvs_id, dvportgroup_id, runtimeinfo_flg, vlan_id_start, vlan_id_end) values(<dvs_id>,<dvportgroup_id>,0,0,4094);
  • to follow the example above you would run:
    # update vpx_dvport_setting set vlan_object_flg =3 where dvs_id=701937 and dvportgroup_id =701938;
    # update vpx_dvport_setting set vlan_id=NULL where dvs_id=701937 and dvportgroup_id =701938;
    # insert into vpx_dvport_vlan (dvs_id, dvportgroup_id, runtimeinfo_flg, vlan_id_start, vlan_id_end) values(701937,701938,0,0,4094);
  • exit psql and start vpxd by running:
    # vmon-cli -i vpxd

Additional Information

The commands in this article are writing directly into the vCenter database. Please ensure that you have a fresh backup of vCenter when following these recommendations.