An entry in vmo_lock from previous workflow runs prevent further runs of Actions or Workflows
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An entry in vmo_lock from previous workflow runs prevent further runs of Actions or Workflows


Article ID: 326135


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite



  • You are using one of the following:
    • VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator (formerly vRealize Orchestrator) 8.x
    • VMware Aria Automation /w embedded Automation Orchestrator (formerly vRealize Automation) 8.x
    • VMware Aria Automation SaaS Cloud Extensibility appliance
  • You request an Aria Automation catalog item with a form that uses external resources to populate the form values:
    • In this case you will see the following error in the catalog, indicating Orchestrator failures:
      Some data cannot be retrieved. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. Failed request: <.....>
  • The requested catalog item form generates a timed out error message when the form is attempting to load:
    The request took too long and it resulted in a timeout.  Timed out request: NameOfPackage/NameofAction
  • Error message similar to the below can be found in vco-app-server 
    ERROR duplicate key value violates unique constraint vmo_lock_pkey
  • ​​​Some catalog items and Orchestrator actions appear to be functioning that do not leverage the vmo_lock mechanism.


VMware Aria Orchestrator 8.x
VMware Aria Automation 8.x - Service Broker


This issue has been witnessed during heavy usage of workflow locking during workflow execution and when said workflow is stopped before it's unlocked.


The active locks on the system can be checked and released using these Library workflows:

  1. Display all locks
  2. Release all locks


As an alternative, these may be checked and released manually


  • Please take simultaneous non-memory snapshots of each virtual appliance in the cluster.
  • You have access to root user and password
  • You have SSH or console access to each virtual appliance.


  1. SSH / PuTTy into one vRO virtual appliance in the cluster
  2. Access the psql cli
    vracli dev psql
  3. Enter yes and press Enter.
  4. Connect to the vco-db
    \c vco-db
  5. Identify entries in the table
    select * from vmo_lock;
  6. Remove the entries
    delete from vmo_lock;