Note: VMware by Broadcom does not support the PowervRA module.
The PowervRA module although shipped with Orchestrator is developed by a third-party developer who can be reached using the contact owner option in the powershell gallery or alternatively, issues can be raised with the developer in GitHub.
When upgrading VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator (formerly known as VMware vRealize Orchestrator) from version 8.x to 8.12.x, it's important to note that PowerVRA 5.x will no longer be compatible. To ensure compatibility with VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.12.x, it is necessary to perform an upgrade of PowerVRA to version 6.0.x.
VMware is aware of this issue. See the Workaround below for additional information.
1. Navigate to Orchestrator > Environments under Assets > New Environment.
2. Provide the name for Environment. Navigate to the Definition tab and select PowerCLI 12(PowerShell 7.1)
3. Click on Add under dependencies
4. Please enter the details as per below screenshot and click on Add.
Name : PowervRA
Version : 6.0.0
Repository : Default Public Repository
4. Click on Create
5. Go to the Download Logs Tab and observe the logs. It should mention something like: [Completed downloading dependencies].
6. After this, select Close to close the environment you have created.
7. Go to the Action (Open the action) you are working on. Navigate to the Scripts tab. Change the Runtime Environment to the environment that we created using previous steps:
Attaching the screenshot from a lab environment.
8. Add the below line on top of the script you have:
Import-Module -Name powervra -RequiredVersion 6.0.0
9. Save the action and run it.
VMware Doc -
GitHub Repo -