This issue is resolved in vRealize Automation 8.3 or newer.
- Please take simultaneous non-memory snapshots of each virtual appliance(s) in the cluster.
- You have access to root user and password
- You have SSH or console access to each virtual appliance.
- SSH / PuTTy into one vRA virtual appliance in the cluster
- Run the following command
vracli cluster exec -- bash -c "echo -e 'IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCmZpbmQgL3Zhci92bXdhcmUvcHJlbHVkZS9zZXJ2aWNlL21vbml0b3Ivc2VydmljZXMvIC10eXBlIGQgLWNtaW4gKzYwIC1ub3QgLXBhdGggL3Zhci92bXdhcmUvcHJlbHVkZS9zZXJ2aWNlL21vbml0b3Ivc2VydmljZXMvY2FjaGUgfCB4YXJncyBybSAtcmYK' | base64 -d > /etc/cron.daily/ && chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/"