404 errors when trying to access some DynamicTypes objects in VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.14.x and higher
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404 errors when trying to access some DynamicTypes objects in VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.14.x and higher


Article ID: 326090


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You are provisioning DynamicTypes objects with VMware Aria Automation.
  • The DynamicTypes object finders depend on other actions and / or resource elements.
  • In VMware Aria Automation, either the provisioning fails, or Synch failed errors are seen for already provisioned deployments.
  • In gateway service logs there are 404 errors visible when trying to access some of the DynamicTypes objects.
  • In the Orchestrator logs, there are errors in the finder action that either some action, or some resource cannot be located:
    TypeError: Cannot find function ScriptingActionName in object Module: moduleName
  • Errors about missing resource elements may vary depending on the finder implementation.


VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.x
VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.14.x


This is caused by problems in token renewal.


This is resolved in VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.1.

See the Workaround section below for additional information.



  • You have root username and password to the appliances.
  • You have valid snapshots or backups available.


Note: This workaround only applies when the DymanicTypes finders DO NOT depend on the vRA plugin host configured with Per User Session. In this case, scheduled or long running workflows may fail.
  1.  In the Orchestrator's Control Center UI, ADD the following system property:
    name: com.vmware.o11n.auth.csp.renewTokens value: false
  2. Wait for services to restart.
  3. Verify the errors are no longer seen in Deployments and logs.

Additional Information

In VMware Aria Automation, either the provisioning fails, or Synch failed errors are seen for already provisioned deployments.