VMware is aware of this issue and is being considered for fix in a later release.
See the Workaround below for additional information.
Please take simultaneous non-memory snapshots of each virtual appliance(s) in the cluster.
You have access to root user and password,
You have SSH or console access to each virtual appliance.
SSH into one node in the cluster.
Run the following command to vacuum the vro-gateway-db. This command is cluster aware and will find the writable vPostgres container to run the vacuumlo command against then return the output to the shell.
for pod in $(kubectl get pods --namespace prelude -l app=postgres -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.status.phase=="Running")].metadata.name}'); do if kubectl exec --namespace prelude -it $pod -- /bin/bash -c "chpst -u postgres -- psql -t -c 'SELECT pg_is_in_recovery();'" | grep -q "f"; then kubectl exec --namespace prelude -it $pod -- /bin/bash -c "chpst -u postgres -- psql vro-gateway-db -c 'select count(1) from pg_largeobject;' && chpst -u postgres -- vacuumlo -v vro-gateway-db && chpst -u postgres -- psql vro-gateway-db -c 'select count(1) from pg_largeobject;'"; break; fi; done