Edit vSphere cloud account shows that no region has been selected in VMware Aria Automation
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Edit vSphere cloud account shows that no region has been selected in VMware Aria Automation


Article ID: 326026


Updated On: 07-24-2023


VMware Aria Suite



When opening an existing vSphere cloud account with NSX manager, the data centers for provisioning are not selected, preventing the user from clicking Save button after updating properties.


VMware Aria Automation 8.12.x


The system now fetches selected cloud account regions using pagination. However, for facade cloud accounts, the regions are derived from the linked vSphere cloud account. The system erroneously assumes that a cloud account with associated accounts must be a facade. This is not always the case as a vSphere cloud account could be linked to an NSX account. This discrepancy leads to the system making a GET request for the selected region using the associated NSX account's link, rather than the intended vSphere one.


To address this issue, when retrieving the selected regions, the system now filters based on endpoint links present in a specific list, rather than just looking for associated accounts. This list contains the self-link of the main cloud account, along with the self-links of any associated cloud accounts. Therefore, the regions are queried from the appropriate endpoints, ensuring the correct data is accessed.

This issue is resolved in VMware Aria Automation 8.13.0 (July) and above.


This is a UI issue. There are no impacts to the cloud account.

The save button can be clicked once the user selects the desired data centers.

Note: All required data centers must be selected, otherwise, un-selected ones will be deleted.

Alternatively, the IaaS API can be used to update the account without the need to supply data centers:

Note: Change ID1 to the FQDN of your VMware Aria Automation appliance.

Additional Information


There are no known impacts associated with the Resolution / Workaround in this article.