Suppress the auto-update of Automation Orchestrator for VMware Aria Automation SaaS extensibility proxy
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Suppress the auto-update of Automation Orchestrator for VMware Aria Automation SaaS extensibility proxy


Article ID: 325994


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


How to suppress the auto-upgrade function for Automation Orchestrator services.

During every release of VMware Aria Automation SaaS (formerly vRealize Automation SaaS), Automation Orchestrator (formerly vRealize Orchestrator) service is auto upgraded. The virtual appliance is not.

Note: SaaS releases have been halted at versions 8.16.0.
Note: This is an automated process and will incur downtime for these services.

For the appliance upgrade, follow the steps located in Upgrading a cloud extensibility proxy (


Service downtime may cause failures in currently running workflows that may lead to deployment failures from VMware Aria Automation SaaS when Automation Orchestrator is auto updated on new releases.


Currently, there is no way to manage auto-upgrades of VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator. See the Workaround section below for additional details.



  • Please take non-memory snapshots of the proxy virtual appliance.
  • You have access to root user and password.
  • You have SSH or console access to the virtual appliance.


  1. SSH / PuTTy into the extensibility proxy virtual appliance.
  2. Validate the Automation Orchestrator service is up and running by checking the following URL https://va-fqdn/vco/api/healthstatus
  3. Run the following command to set the pending-upgrade.flag:
    touch /data/upgrade/prelude/pending-upgrade.flag
  4. Manually trigger the update
    prelude-vami-upgrade --force
Note: After this procedure, Automation Orchestrator services will not auto-upgrade. New versions will be downloaded silently onto the virtual appliance.
Note: When the extensibility appliance is upgraded, Automation Orchestrator will upgrade also. To retain auto updates of the Automation Orchestrator service after upgrade of the extensibility appliance, repeat Steps # 1 - 3.