Log locations for Aria Automation 8.x
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Log locations for Aria Automation 8.x


Article ID: 325978


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This article provides information about the log file locations and contents for Aria Automation 8.x


Aria Automation 8.x


The log locations are spread across multiple locations depending on the architecture of your Aria Automation environment. These are the log locations and generic log content.

Server Log location Log purpose
Aria Automation  Appliance /services-logs/{namespace}/{service}/file-logs/{container}.log Aria Automation logs for user-facing services
Aria Automation  Appliance /services-logs/{namespace}/{service}/console-logs/{container}.log Aria Automation  Stdout logs for user-facing services and all logs from infrastructure services
Aria Automation Appliance /services-logs/logging/* Fluentd and migration logs
Aria Automation  Appliance /var/log/deploy.log VA Deploy log
Aria Automation  Appliance /var/log/bootstrap/{firstboot, everyboot, preupdate, postupdate}.log Aria Automation Bootstrap logs
Aria Automation  Appliance /var/log/loginsight-agent/* Aria Automation  Log Insight Agent logs
Aria Automation  Appliance /var/log/journal/* VA level system service logs. Use journalctl to access
Aria Automation  Appliance /var/log/vmware/prelude/* Aria Automation  Service status, disk usage, and helm logs