After migrating to vRealize Automation 7.5, installed patch details on the target system will appear missing within the Appliance management interface
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After migrating to vRealize Automation 7.5, installed patch details on the target system will appear missing within the Appliance management interface


Article ID: 325967


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


After migration to 7.5 where patches have been applied, the appropriate tab in the appliance management page will show no patches applied.


VMware vRealize Automation 7.5.x


The patch content does exist in the system but the migration causes database entries to be overwritten.


VMware is aware of this issue.

A resolution for this issue is being evaluated for inclusion in a future release.

To work around this issue, you will need to revert to a pre-migration state and then perform the following commands on the target node that has the patches applied:
  1. mkdir /tmp/hf_tables
  2. /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch.sql
  3. /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch_execution > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_execution.sql
  4. /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch_nodes > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_nodes.sql
  5. cd /tmp/hf_tables/ 
  6. zip -r /tmp/ ./

Backup the file you just created.

Now reattempt the migration to 7.5, copy the created zip file to the destination node under /tmp/ and perform the following commands:
  1. cd /tmp
  2. unzip ./ -d ./hf_tables (igonre this command if hf_tables folder is already unzipped)
  3. psql -U postgres -d vcac
  4. \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch.sql
  5. \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_execution.sql
  6. \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_nodes.sql