VMware is aware of this issue.
A resolution for this issue is being evaluated for inclusion in a future release.
To work around this issue, you will need to revert to a pre-migration state and then perform the following commands on the target node that has the patches applied:
- mkdir /tmp/hf_tables
- /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch.sql
- /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch_execution > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_execution.sql
- /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/pg_dump -U postgres --data-only -d vcac -t public.hf_patch_nodes > /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_nodes.sql
- cd /tmp/hf_tables/
- zip -r /tmp/hf_tables.zip ./
Backup the
hf_tables.zip file you just created.
Now reattempt the migration to 7.5, copy the created zip file to the destination node under /
tmp/ and perform the following commands:
- cd /tmp
- unzip ./hf_tables.zip -d ./hf_tables (igonre this command if hf_tables folder is already unzipped)
- psql -U postgres -d vcac
- \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch.sql
- \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_execution.sql
- \i /tmp/hf_tables/hf_patch_nodes.sql