This issue is resolved in
Cumulative Update for vRealize Automation 8.0.1 Patch 3.
Clear the nodes table and restart all Code Stream pods
- Login into one of the the vRealize Automation appliance(s) as root
- Run the following command to reset the number of Code Stream pods to zero:
kubectl -n prelude scale deploy codestream-app --replicas=0
- Wait for a couple of minutes to allow the pod deletion to process
- Run the following command to reset the number of Code Stream pods to their original values
kubectl -n prelude scale deploy codestream-app --replicas=3
kubectl -n prelude scale deploy codestream-app --replicas=1
- Validate there are now 1 or 3 running Code Stream pods with the following command:
kubectl -n prelude get pods | grep codestream
codestream-*********-2v5x9 1/1 Running 0 **
codestream-*********-9b8px 1/1 Running 0 **
codestream-*********-ndfrw 1/1 Running 0 **
Note: The number of entries should match the number of replica nodes provided in Step #4 based on cluster size.