"Could not resolve domains" when trying to add additional domains in vRealize Automation Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) directory
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"Could not resolve domains" when trying to add additional domains in vRealize Automation Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) directory


Article ID: 325909


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Unable to sync vRealize Automation Integrated Windows Authentication directory when trying to add additional domains.  Receive error "Could not resolve domains"
  • Errors found in Connector.log:
2018-08-17 15:17:27,279 ERROR (pool-90-thread-2) [[email protected];[email protected];] com.vmware.horizon.directory.ldap.Pinger - AD <domain name>:null is not reachable. java.security.PrivilegedActionException: com.vmware.horizon.directory.DirectoryServiceException: Authentication failed for the given user using authentication mechanism - GSSAPI 2018-08-17 15:17:27,408 ERROR (tomcat-http--44) [[email protected];[email protected];] com.vmware.horizon.directory.ldap.LdapCrossRefService - Unresolvable host and port for cross ref object for - <domain name> 


VMware vRealize Automation 7.x


For each appliance in the vRealize Automation cluster:
  1. Check locations to see if there are two krb5.conf files on the appliance:
    1. find /-iname krb5.conf
      1. /usr/java/jre-vmware/lib/security/
      2. /etc/krb5.conf
  2. If both exist rename one and restart the horizon service:
    1. Rename the wrong krb5.conf: (Location: /usr/java/jre-vmware/lib/security/)
      1. mv krb5.conf krb5.conf.bak
      2. service horizon-workspace restart
  3. Login to vRealize Automation portal and re-sync the directory with additional domains.