During cluster join Self Signed Cert Generation fails because of fips flags in a freshly deployed Replica node
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During cluster join Self Signed Cert Generation fails because of fips flags in a freshly deployed Replica node


Article ID: 325897


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You are trying to join a vRA replica node to a vRA 7.x cluster
  • The operation fails


VMware vRealize Automation 7.x


fips flag causes the self-signed certificate generation to fail, stop the cluster join operation.


VMware is aware of this issue.  See the Workaround section below for additional information.


Generate new Self Signed cert and update Key Store by removing the fips flags temporarily


  • Please take simultaneous non-memory snapshots of each virtual appliance(s) in the cluster.
  • You have access to root user and password
  • You have SSH or console access to each virtual appliance.


  1. SSH / PuTTy into the replica vRA virtual appliance failing to join
  2. To check the The Common Name in the self signed cert, it will be set to master node hostname, run
    /usr/java/jre-vmware/bin/keytool -v -list -keystore /opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/conf/tcserver.keystore
  3. Create a backup directory
    mkdir /root/tmp-bkp
  4. Move the fips flags
    mv /usr/local/horizon/conf/flags/fips* /root/tmp-bkp
  5. Install Self Signed Cert and update the keystore
  6. Move the files back
    mv /root/tmp-bkp/fips* /usr/local/horizon/conf/flags
  7. Restart Horizon Workspace services
    service horizon-workspace restart
  8. Retry the replica join operation